
Traditional Pedophiles and Rapists, Not Traditional Priests!

Feature Article Traditional Pedophiles and Rapists, Not Traditional Priests!

They call themselves the United “Fetish” Priests Association of Ghana. So, it is crystal clear that these “Toy”-worshipping priests cannot and must not be taken seriously by any visionary and foresighted Ghanaian leader, except one of their own kind, like the Witch-Village-Building Serial and the Dynastic Presidential Candidate of the country’s main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr. John “Ouagadougou-Nkonfem Flying” Dramani Mahama (See “Declare your position on LGBTQ+ before October or NPP will fail to break the 8 – United Fetish Priests warn Bawumia” 4/1/24).

It is also crystal clear that this gang of “Black Magic” charlatans are desperately in search of relevance. Maybe the likes of Nana Mosi Bansere, described as President of these professionally effete and decidedly morally and spiritually bankrupt “Kaakaamotobis,” Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia knows them much too well, would be better off informing Ghanaian citizens and voters precisely what they have done in response to the 63-year-old Gborbu Wulormo, their other Nungua-, Accra, based fellow pedophile and sexual predator, who recently statutorily raped a 12-year-old girl in the name of marriage, even “ritual” marriage.

I kept wondering what the late Chairman Jeremiah “Jerry” John Rawlings, the universally acclaimed Founding-Father of the country’s main opposition political party, the National Democratic Congress, and the first democratically elected President of Ghana’s Fourth Republic would have made of this patently flagrant and unspeakably heinous act of criminality, if it had been promptly brought to his attention while he was still right here with us, in his “revolutionary” days. Very likely, Togbui Avaklasu, I, would not only have promptly stepped up to the plate, in American baseball parlance, to have the psychologically unhinged Gborbu Wulormo and the Chief and the members of the Nungua Traditional Council and, possibly, had these “Motherfucking” nation-wreckers, no apologies, staked up at the Teshie Military Shooting Range and summarily executed, pronto, by firing squad. And trust me, it would have been the most perfectly legitimate thing to do!

I mean, do these superannuated buffoons appreciate the level of mental and psychological trauma inflicted on the victim of such morally and culturally depraved and inexcusable act of bestiality of the most primitive kind? First of all, what sort of socioeconomic existence is Naa Okromo – I hope I have her name written down correctly – apt to have or endure without any viable academic and professional and/or vocational skills in our highly industrialized and technological world of the 21st Century? Then also, what kind of economic arrangement has been made for or on behalf of Naa Okromo and any future brood of offspring that she may likely be forced to deliver by the apparently incontinent sexual depravity of the 63-year-old Gborbu Wulormo, should the existentially inevitable “prematurely” happen, as it is almost bound and certain to happen in the offing?

For those of our readers who may be a bit confused, it bears knowing that the life-expectancy rate of the proverbial average Ghanaian citizen hovers around 63.8 years, according to my cursory Google search, as of this writing. Now, what the foregoing statistic means is that 12-year-old Naa Okromo – some media sources have her age as 16 – was just betrothed to a dead man, or at least one dangerously close to his grave. Now, what kind of civilized, modern democratic culture, such as Ghanaians like to pride ourselves in, would consent to such immitigably despicable and abominable act of predatory sexual criminality this late in the 21st Century?

Were the members of the so-called United “Fetish” Priests’ Association as morally righteous as they would have President Akufo-Addo and Vice-President Bawumia and, for that matter, the rest of the nation believe, our rivers and forestry resources would not have been so criminally and unpardonably laid to waste. Now, we need immediate clarity from the Ministry of Culture and Local Government – I suppose that is what it is called these days – and, in particular, the Ghana National House of Chiefs. I mean, what have these “religious” charlatans done to put the direly needed kibosh on the wantonly destructive environmental impact of Galamsey? What progressive part did these psychospiritual basket cases play in the fierce battle that culminated in the emergence and the creation of Fourth-Republican Ghana, for them to be making such morally and politically presumptuous demands on the country’s two most progressive and visionary Ghanaian leaders of our time?

It goes without saying that Ghana is definitely ripe for a revolution. But it is not the kind of the Jeremiah “Jerry” John Rawlings-led June 4th type of Revolution or the Rawlings-led December 31, 1981, Faux-Revolution that naturally and logically culminated in the sort of wanton and the unspeakably corrupt National Democratic Congress-minted Age of Decadence in which Ghanaians presently find ourselves. Rather, we are talking about the kind of Intellectual and Psychological Revolution being currently led by Ghana’s most astute and innovative Education Minister, to wit, Dr. Yaw Osei-Adutwum, the man that many avid observers of Fourth Republican Ghanaian Democratic Culture and Politics tell Yours Truly is best qualified to be named as the 2024 Presidential Running-Mate of Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia.

It also goes without saying that Candidate Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang is absolutely no match for the New Patriotic Party-sponsored Member of Parliament for Bosomtwe Constituency, in the Asante Region. The overwhelming majority of Ghanaian voters are looking for an emotionally and psychologically mature and competent and social-intervention oriented leader with visionary foresight, not mere gender tokenism as a cynical substitute for merit. You see, in terms of professional expertise in the critical discipline of development education, age-appropriate curriculum design and intellectual enrichment, it is Dr. Yaw Osei-Adutwum who comes closest to the immortalized Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, all populist rabblerousing in other grossly misguided directions to the contrary notwithstanding.

*Visit my blog at: KwameOkoampaAhoofeJr

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., PhD
Professor Emeritus, Department of English
SUNY-Nassau Community College
Garden City, New York
April 1, 2024
E-mail: [email protected]
