
The NDC Politicians Should Stop Issuing Warnings To Ernest Owusu-Bempah

Feature Article The NDC Politicians Should Stop Issuing Warnings To Ernest Owusu-Bempah

The NDC politicians ought to cease warning Owusu-Bempah from carrying out whatever he believes is necessary for him, even if it means going to the police for a permit. With the little experience I have, the NDC's repeated warnings to Owusu-Bempah actually indicate that the politicians are afraid. Since Mahama’s office is not a venue for demonstration, when Owusu-Bempah comes, they have the right to defend their area from any threats of action.

As I've previously said, Owusu-Bempah's actions are part of the NPP's preparations to the opposition because, despite Akufo Addo's accusations of incompetence and corruption against John Mahama, he has proven to be the Mafioso boss of corruption. If the president is neither a thief nor criminal, he should tell Ghanaians what he did with the money from Ghana's enormous debt. For this reason, I think Ernest Owusu-Bempah is a stupid fool for standing up for someone like Akufo Addo.

The country's infrastructure has been severely damaged by Akufo Addo's unending corruption, which has led to the collapse of businesses, banks, the education and health sectors, and the economy as a whole. In any case, considering that his party's future is hanging on a thread that could break at any moment, I'm not sure if Owusu-Bempah is fighting for Akufo Addo or to save his job because to me, he is a moron if he hasn't taken anything from Hopeson Adorye's experience.

Sometimes we should let others do what they believe is essential since the end results will always justify the means, rather than taking a strong stance against what they intend to accomplish. For instance, if Akufo Addo had not been allowed to run for president, Ghanaians would not have been aware of his criminal past. Even though Mahama was disappointed to lose the 2016 election, time has now shown that Akufo Addo's extreme ineptitude and corruption have made him delighted.

Another instance is the introduction of the E-Levy, which was opposed by all Ghanaians since Akufo Addo's administration has not only failed to create jobs for the unemployed since taking office but has also continued to impose a high tax burden on the populace, including COVID. After the tax was implemented, many jobs collapsed and small-scale business owners were forced into poverty. It ultimately proved to be the government's greatest blunder, in this sense, Owusu-Bempah's foolish deeds will also fail.

The NPP warrior who will lead the fight against John Mahama must answer to Ghanaians: why did President Akufo Addo wait almost seven years in office before trying to use this allegation to weaken John Mahama, even though he had previously promised to safeguard the public coffers? Since the NPP has been a manifestly ineffective government, they feel that making use of the Airbus scandal will seriously undermine Mahama's chances of being reelected.

Ghanaians were readily swayed and misled to back absurd causes opposing John Mahama in the past. Today, since they have experienced the worst of leadership and incompetence, things have radically changed, and even the tribal bigots in the heartland of the Ashanti Region are aware of Akufo Addo's lies, deception, criminality, and corruption to the extent that his people no longer respect him at all, both in Ghanaian politics and on international platforms.

Akufo Addo has also been involved in a number of corruption scandals, one of which was made public by the global news organization Al Jazeera and involved the trade of gold worth billions of dollars, which had a disastrous effect on the country's economy. In addition, he engages in illegal mining, which has contaminated all of the nation's major waterways, including the Pra River, leading to illnesses and birth abnormalities.

Therefore, Owusu-Bempah needs to address the scandals in which his master, Akufo Addo, is embroiled if he is to be taken seriously, before pursuing Mahama.
