Tue, 24 Oct 2023 Article

World Vision Ghana highlight measures implemented to sustain gains at Asante Akim North

World Vision Ghana highlight measures implemented to sustain gains at Asante Akim North

World Vision Ghana has heightened measures aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the remarkable gains for the people of Asante Akim North District.

Before the closure of the Asante Akim North Area Programme, officials of World Vision focused the implementation of the intervention on sustainability drivers, local ownership, partnering, transformed relationship, local and national advocacy, and household and family resilience.

They collaborated with various community groups and stakeholders to ensure the success and continuity of these initiatives.

Under local ownership, the Area Programme (AP) has facilitated the formation of Community and District Child Protection Committees, trained Child Welfare Supervisors and empowered Child Parliaments.

It has engaged Mother-to-Mother support groups, Community Health Volunteers, and Faith leaders to support health interventions, promote water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) practices and ensure child protection.

The AP has strengthened traditional authorities' involvement and community coalition for continuous progress. Local government, community-based organisations (CBOs), faith-based organisations (FBOs), and other partners will utilize the knowledge and logistics provided by World Vision to sustain and expand the gains achieved in child-wellbeing.

The second driver, partnering involves MOU signing with like-minded organisations and government Decentralisation for broader impact. CBOs contribute resources in partnership with World Vision to realize the program's goals.

In the future, community groups will identify strengths and work collaboratively to sustain and advance child well-being, generating funding for joint implementation.

According to a brochure on the closure of the Asante Akim Area Programme issued on 16th August 2023, transformed relationships have been fostered through training and support, such as the Community and District Child Protection Committee concept and Celebrating Family Curriculum.

"In the future, the models will continue to strengthen bonds between households, families, and communities," World Vision Ghana officials indicated in the brochure.

In terms of local and national advocacy, Community and District CVA groups have engaged duty bearers for improved service delivery. Assembly members, Child Protection Committee, and faith-based organisations lead campaigns against child marriage. They will co-opt other groups for effective engagement, prioritize community needs, and sustain advocacy efforts.

"House and family Resilience has been promoted through Mother-to-Mother support groups, faith leaders' psychosocial support, and the Savings for Transformation model. The implementation of an empowered worldview and celebrating families' models equips households and communities with skills to bounce back from life's challenges.

"Overall, World Vision's current and future plan reflects a comprehensive approach to sustainably improve child well-being and empower communities to take ownership of their development. Through partnership, advocacy and targeted interventions, they aim to create lasting impact and resilience for children and families," the brochure stated.

Enock Akonnor
Enock Akonnor

News ReporterPage: EnockAkonnor
