
Two hidden facts about Ghana’s third Dr Hilla Limann – Bright Simons reveals

Social News Ghana's third President Dr. Hilla Limann[left] and Bright Simons
Ghana's third President Dr. Hilla Limann[left] and Bright Simons

Bright Simons, Vice President in charge of research at IMANI Centre for Policy and Education, has shared some facts about Ghana's third President, Hilla Limann, in a revealing tweet.

In the tweet posted in the early hours of Friday, October 5, Mr. Simons wrote "2 facts almost no Ghanaian knows/remembers about the country's 3rd Republic President, Dr. Hilla Limann."

The facts were:
1. "He refused to publicly confess a personal religion. It is still unclear whether he was a Christian or Muslim."

2. "He was the youngest ever Ghanaian to be elected President."

Dr. Hilla Limann served as Ghana's President from 1979 to 1981, after being elected on the ticket of the People's National Party (PNP).

A diplomat by training, Limann was seen as an unknown figure even in Ghana when he succeeded Jerry Rawlings' short-lived government.

However, he enjoyed strong support from followers of Ghana's first president, Kwame Nkrumah.

As an economic moderate who championed democratic values and Pan-Africanism, Limann swore allegiance to no single faith despite holding the highest office in a strongly religious country.

He remains the only leader of Ghana's Third Republic. His truncated tenure ended in December 1981 when Rawlings overthrew his civilian government in a coup.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
