
COP Alex Mensah confirms NPP membership amid perjury concerns

  Thu, 21 Sep 2023
Headlines COP Alex Mensah confirms NPP membership amid perjury concerns

Retired Commissioner of Police (Retired), George Alex Mensah, has confirmed that he is a card-bearing member of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

This is contrary to his submission to the bi-partisan parliamentary committee probing the alleged plot to remove IGP Dr George Akuffo Dampare as contained in a leaked audio.

His declaration comes days after revealing his intention to contest the Bekwai Parliamentary Seat.

When he appeared before the committee, COP Mensah described himself as a sympathizer of the NPP. Together with two other police officers, the ex-cop is at the center of the alleged plot to oust the current IGP.

At his hearing, the question of his membership of a political party took centre stage. Member of the Committee, Eric Opoku grilled him on his membership of the New Patriotic Party. In response to the question, COP (Rtd) George Alex Mensah said” I am a sympathizer of the NPP.”

He has subsequently retired from the service while the probe is on. In a recent interview however, Alex Mensah indicated that he is a full-blown member of the governing NPP. When he was asked 'Do you have a party ID card” he answered in the affirmative 'yes I do.”

Under oath at the committee, he said, he was just a sympathizer of the NPP, but now says otherwise.

Legally, lying under oath is called perjury. Ghana's criminal code in section 211 defines perjury as “A person is guilty of perjury, if in any written or verbal statement made or verified by him upon oath before any Court, or public officer, or before the President or any Committee thereof, he states anything which he knows to be false in a material particular, or which he has no reason to believe to be true”.

The committee resumes its hearings on October 2nd and potential allegation of perjury against the ex-COP may arise.
