Mon, 07 Aug 2023 Politics

Let’s stand with gov’t to stabilise the economy – Richard Ahiagbah urges Ghanaians

NPP Director of Communications, Richard AhiagbahNPP Director of Communications, Richard Ahiagbah

The Director of Communications for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Richard Ahiagbah has urged Ghanaians to turn deaf ears to the claim by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) that the economy is not recovering.

Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta was in Parliament last Monday to present the Mid-Year Budget Review.

In his presentation, he announced that the Ghanaian economy has turned a corner.

"We have turned the corner and, more importantly, we are determined to continue down that path. Soon, we expect the measures taken to result in economic activity greater than anything experienced in the history of the Fourth Republic. Our plans and programmes should soon lead to a sustained increase in domestic production, including manufacturing and farming; replacing many of the products that we are used to importing,” Ken Ofori-Atta said.

This was strongly opposed by the Minority who continues to argue that the economy has not turned any corner and is in fact doing worse.

In a post to counter the Minority, Richard Ahiagbah has accused the NDC of lacking ideas.

He urges Ghanaians to stand with government in its efforts to stablise the economy.

“The NDC is talking down the economy because they don't have alternative ideas to counter the policy offerings of this government to regenerate the economy. The economy has turned the corner, Ghanaians must stand with the government to stabilize the economy,” the NPP Director of Communications said.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
