
Release the much anticipated ‘reliable data’ you promised without further delay – Ablakwa tells NIA boss

Headlines Okudzeto Ablakwa, MP[left] and Dr Kenneth Attafuah, NIA Boss
Okudzeto Ablakwa, MP[left] and Dr Kenneth Attafuah, NIA Boss

Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, Member of Parliament for North Tongu Constituency has reiterated his request for the data containing the number of people who have been registered by the National Identification Authority (NIA).

The lawmaker has petitioned the Executive Secretary of the National Identification Authority (NIA), Prof. Kenneth Attafuah, to release the data as he promised on the floor of Parliament on Tuesday, February 28.

In a letter shared on social media, the MP told the NIA boss not to keep Parliament and the people of Ghana waiting.

He emphasized that, contrary to what Prof. Attafuah told the legislative body, he has not submitted the data about the breakdown of persons with Ghana cards in the country as promised.

"Respectfully, you will recall that following my request to you on the day in issue, you intimated that the data was readily available and that you would proceed to submit same without delay. It is therefore surprising that more than two weeks since your firm assurances to the legislature, you are yet to make good your promise.

"I have no doubt that you duly recognize the importance of this request, which shall afford Members of Parliament the opportunity to disaggregate the global figures you presented and to have a better contextual appreciation of the true situation in our respective constituencies," the letter said in part.

Mr. Ablakwa disclosed, "I have also paid regard to your website to ascertain if you have now published the data in issue; unfortunately, the information is not available on your website either."

He concluded by noting that "it is my expectation that you will submit this most anticipated data without further delay."

This comes after the Electoral Commission of Ghana and the NIA appeared before Parliament to give clarification about the new Constitutional Instrument (CI), which seeks to make the Ghana card the only requirement for voter registration exercises.

Find below the full letter addressed to the NIA by Mr. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa:

May I convey warm compliments.
This letter serves as a formal reminder of your pledge in response to my request during Parliament's Committee of the Whole deliberations on Tuesday the 28th of February, 2023 and which our records would manifestly reflect that you responded by providing prompt assurances that you shall at the earliest convenience submit to Parliament data relating to a detailed district breakdown of the total number of Ghanaians registered, the number of Ghana Cards printed per district and those issued with Ghana Cards in each district of Ghana.

Respectfully, you will recall that following my request to you on the day in issue, you intimated that the data is readily available and that you will proceed to submit same without delay. It is therefore surprising that more than two weeks since your firm assurances to the legislature, you are yet to make good your promise.

I have no doubt that you duly recognize the importance of this request which shall afford Members of Parliament the opportunity to disaggregate the global figures you presented and to have a better contextual appreciation of the true situation in our respective constituencies.

My request becomes even more pertinent when we consider your recent interview on Joy FM's Newsfile, specifically on Saturday February 25, 2023 where you urged Members of Parliament to come to you at the NIA headquarters for what you described as "reliable data."

Your statements suggest quite regrettably that we cannot rely or place much value on what your officers at the district level deliver to us.

Even though your declaration is acutely problematic as it really amounts to an indictment of your district officers and further calls to question how the national figures were compiled, nonetheless, your own caution to Members of Parliament and the general public not to depend on data from your district officers (be they District Registration Officers or Technical Enrolment Officers) nor place premium on same leaves us with no option, at least in the interim, but to pursue you in the utmost national interest to redeem your pledge to Parliament a pledge which consider sacred and which was widely broadcast by the media, understandably so, considering the high public interest.

It may be useful to add that checks I have conducted both on the floor of Parliament and with the Clerk's office have all confirmed that contrary to your assurances, you have not submitted the requested data.

Have also paid regard to your website to ascertain if you have now published the data in issue, unfortunately, the information is not available on your website either.

It is my expectation that you will submit this most anticipated data without further delay.

In the service of God and Country. Ghana First.



Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
