
We must regain the Hohoe parliamentary seat from NPP—Mahama

  Sat, 04 Mar 2023
Headlines We must regain the Hohoe parliamentary seat from NPP—Mahama

Former President John Dramani Mahama, says the Party must regain the Hohoe Constituency Parliamentary seat from the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

“We must take our Hohoe seat back from the 'atiglinyi' (elephant). I feel shy when I am told that Hohoe is an NPP Constituency. I feel ashamed.”

Mr Mahama addressing delegates in Hohoe as part of activities to launch his flagbearer campaign in the Volta region said losing the seat was an abomination that must be cured as soon as possible, which may never happen again.

He said the first thing the Party needed to win its primaries and the 2024 elections was unity and urged the parliamentary candidates and delegates to go into the May 13 presidential and parliamentary primaries with clean campaign messages.

He said the Party would support the Constituency with all logistics, adding that all branches must benefit from any planning that would be handed over to the Constituency and the Party would train delegates as polling agents to ensure free and fair elections.

He noted that the country had reached a level where experience was needed rather than experimentation. “We do not want any 'togbe domkpor' (try me), the domkpor, domkpor, this is where it has ended us today. I am sorry to say that our country Ghana is broke.”

Mr Mahama lamented the current situation in the country, touching on issues surrounding the government’s Domestic Debt Exchange Programme and the finance minister, who was still in office despite all the issues raised about him.

He noted that the NDC Party owed 120 billion cedis debt as they exited office and despite that the Party wisely modernised the country.


Mr Newton Darkey, Constituency Chairman noted that as an orphan Constituency, they would need logistical support if Mr Mahama won the presidential primaries.

He said Mr. Mahama was the only candidate in the Party to lead and win the 2024 elections.

Mr Darkey said looking at the calibre of all candidates contesting the parliamentary primaries in the Constituency, there was no doubt that anyone, who emerged the winner would win the parliamentary seat.

Mr Mawutor Agbavitor, the Party's Volta Regional Chairman noted that the hardship experienced by Ghanaians especially Voltarians demanded that the people of the region had to choose a leader who sympathised with them.

He said he had declared his support for Mr Mahama to win the Presidential primaries of the Party.

Events at the venue took a different turn when the lights in the auditorium went off when Mr Mahama took the stage to address the congregation.

Mr Mahama was accompanied by Mr Edward Doe Adjahoe, former Speaker of Parliament, Professor Joshua Alabi, Mr Julius Debrah among other dignitaries and National, Regional and Constituency executives.

Present also were the six candidates who picked nomination forms to contest the parliamentary primaries in the Constituency.

Mr Mahama is embarking on a three-day tour of parts of the region including Hohoe, Kpando, South Dayi, Central and South Tongu, Akatsi North and South, Commiserate with the chiefs and people of Ziofe for the loss of the late Paramount Chief of Traditional Area, Torgbuiga Binah Lawluvi VI on Friday.

