Wed, 01 Mar 2023 Social News

Former Radio Gold presenter Nana Yaw Kwakye laid to rest at Agona Kwaman

By Benedict Kweku Nkrumah || Contributor
Former Radio Gold presenter Nana Yaw Kwakye laid to rest at Agona Kwaman

A former presenter at Radio Gold based in Accra Nana Yaw Kwakye popularly known as 'Omansomfo' has been laid to rest in his hometown in the Agona West Municipality of the Central Region.

Before his demise, Nana Yaw Kwakye was the Tufuhene of Agona Kwaman under the Stool name Nana Kwakye-Ankomah I.

He was installed in 1996 as the Tufuhene to lead the Agona Kwaman Asafo Company until his ancestors called him home in 2022.

Tributes that poured in described the late Tufuhene as an epitome of development, a man who led his people in humility with maximum respect for people in the community.

Interacting with the media last Saturday, the Ebusuapanyin of the Oyoko Royal Family of Agona Kwaman, Nana Kweku Nyamekye Benstil stated that the late Tufuhene was born in December 1950 to Mr. Papa Kofi Ntow and Maame Sarah Akua Sam of blessed memory.

According to the Ebusuapanyin, Nana Kwakye-Ankomah I started schooling at the Agona Kwaman Roman Catholic Primary School.

"After his elementary education, Nana Kwakye-Ankomah I passed the Ghana Enrolled Nurses entrance examination and trained as a Mental Health Nurse at Ankaful Mental Hospital in 1971.

"Known in his private life as Nana Yaw Kwakye, he participated in a TV series at the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation. Without a doubt, his Show Director recognized that she had found an unequalled talent.

"Nana Kwakye-Ankomah I lived his dream in a changing world where he was called to serve his community and nation as well, thus his nickname 'Omansomfo' and it really fit him as he exhibited inspirational leadership," he stated.

Ebusuapanyin Nana Kweku Nyamekye Benstil wished Traditional Leaders could lead with humility with mutual respect for the people they presided over in their areas of operations. He encouraged Traditional Councils to instil and make changes to some of the outmoded cultural practices to suit the modern trend in the era of globalization.

"Again, we should make changes to some of the outmoded cultural set up and structures that do not promote coexistence because many of the chieftaincy disputes across the country is, as a result of lack of data for royal families that could indicate the next in a succession of a vacant stool," he stressed.

Nana Kweku Nyamekye Benstil therefore made a passionate appeal to family heads, traditional councils, as well as stakeholders in the Chieftaincy institution to formulate lay down measures for the selection of successors to vacant stools as a means to curtail chieftaincy disputes to facilitate national development.

Mr. Fetus Owusu Ntow, Senior Journalist based in the United States of America in his tribute on behalf of his siblings described the late Tufuhene as a man who was down to earth.

"Nana was a human being. I am sure he had his faults just like any of us here present, but no one with a clear conscience can ever in truthfulness say he was not a good man. On record, Nana Kwakye-Ankomah I was respectful of anyone, he was kind to his fault and so much cared about humanity.

"I can proudly say Nana has left a better legacy of respect for each other, humility and about all God-fearing attitude for his Royal Oyoko Family members, Agona Kwaman Community and generation yet to come. Indeed, Good Name is better than Riches," Mr. Fetus Owusu Ntow concluded amidst tears.
