
A new dawn; anticipate a new Zylophon — NAM1 angers Menzgold customers with new tweet

Social News Nana Appiah Mensah, founder of Menzgold Ghana Limited
Nana Appiah Mensah, founder of Menzgold Ghana Limited

The founder of the defunct gold collectible firm Menzgold is planning a come back.

However, the 'new dawn' he spoke about has got many Ghanaians, especially aggrieved customers of Menzgold incensed as they believe their locked-up funds do not bother the business mogul.

In a post shared on his Twitter handle on Sunday, January 15, the owner of the once-popular Zolophon Media said his outfit will be back stronger and exceptional in no time.

"A new dawn for Creative Arts, Mass Media, Sports, Science & Information Technology. A brand new organization. A giant leap into everlasting glory. Anticipate the NEW ZYLOFON…Creativity, Innovation and technology," read his tweet.

Having seen the post, which had no connection with Menzgold customers, a customer, identified as Dr. Odaani Venture, asked, "Nana, hope you're fine. Please kindly pay me wai. Why you have pay some and leave some? l need my money."

Nana Appiah Mensah responded by telling the customer and his colleagues to exercise a little patience, as their money will hit their accounts in a couple of months.

"Don't worry, big man. Just a couple of months more. Obiaa )y3 real biaa b3 gy3 cash,” NAM1 calmed the customer.


Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
