
EOCO claim of 37 stolen vehicles challenged

  Wed, 14 Dec 2022
Social News EOCO claim of 37 stolen vehicles challenged

General Secretary of the Vehicle and Assets Dealers Union of Ghana, Clifford Owusu, has challenged the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) concerning its recent operation that led to the retrieval of 37 luxury vehicles suspected to have been stolen.

Mr Owusu, first of all, said the number of vehicles towed by EOCO following the alleged operation is “200 getting to 300”.

Speaking to Martin Asiedu-Dartey on TV3‘s Midday Live on Wednesday, December 14, the General Secretary of the Union said they have documents on all the vehicles EOCO is claiming were stolen.

According to a press release issued by the Office on Tuesday, December 13, the intelligence-led operation was carried out in collaboration with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

It, therefore, advised prospective vehicle buyers to conduct due diligence prior to the purchase of vehicles, stating that investigations are ongoing.

But Mr Owusu said they have, since the operation on Friday, December 9, held meetings with EOCO over the action, insisting that “those vehicles were bought from America and Canada”.

He explained the modus operandi of EOCO during the operation.

“Immediately they entered the garage, they just pick the cars.”

He said the statement by EOCO is false and that “they are alleging that the vehicles were stolen vehicles but for us they are not”.

