
Economic crisis: The most important thing we can do today is to cut the size of gov’t – Joe Jackson

Headlines Mr. Joe Jackson
Mr. Joe Jackson

A Financial Analyst at Dalex Finance, Mr. Joe Jackson has stressed that a reduction in the size of the government is needed urgently.

According to him, such a move is one of the most important things Ghana can do in the midst of the current economic crisis.

“The most important thing we can do today is cut the size of government, send a signal to all of us that we are prepared to face our problems,” Mr. Joe Jackson told TV3 in an interview.

On the calls for the sacking of Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta, the Finance Minister shared that only that action won’t help matters.

He is of the view that in addition to removing the Finance Minister, government must change the way it does things and address all system challenges.

“If we change the people and we don’t change the policies, we don’t change the process, if we don’t change the thinking, nothing will change. I wish that those backbenchers had not just demanded for somebody to be changed but some people completely removed.

“It is not handing over from Ofori-Atta or Charles Adu Boahen to another person who will do the same thing,” Mr. Joe Jackson argued.

Last month, calls for President Akufo-Addo to sack Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta reached a crescendo when members of the Majority in Parliament threatened to boycott government business if he refuses to replace the Minister.

Following a meeting, the President appealed to the Members of Parliament to allow Ken Ofori-Atta conclude talks with the IMF and present the 2023 Budget statement.

The appeal which was accepted by the Majority MPs has died down the calls for the Finance Minister’s sacking.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
