Tue, 12 Oct 2021 Social News

E/R: Man takes his own life on coconut tree

E/R: Man takes his own life on coconut tree

A young man has taken his own life in the Eastern Region by hanging himself on a coconut tree.

Identified as Kwasi Antwi, the man who is said to be 25 years of age climbed the coconut tree with a ladder on Monday, October 11, 2021.

Information gathered is that the shocking incident occurred at dawn around 5:30am at Akyem Aperade Bonkagyeesu, one of the farming communities in the Achiase District.

After his body was discovered hanging on the coconut tree, a report was made to the local police station.

The team of police officers dispatched to the scene found Kwasi Antwi dead with the ladder leaning on the coconut tree to give the indication that he used it to climb.

Subsequently, the body was retrieved and deposited at the morgue for preservation and autopsy.

The latest suicide case adds to the rising cases in the Eastern Region and in Ghana as a whole.

Already, as many as 60 suicide cases have been recorded in the Region with fears that there could be more before the year comes to an end.

Overall, there have been 417 suicide cases recorded in Ghana in 2021 with Ashanti Region leading the chart as the region with the most cases of 61.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
