Fri, 20 Aug 2021 Health

Ashanti, Eastern records highest number of suicide cases in first quarter of 2021

Ashanti, Eastern records highest number of suicide cases in first quarter of 2021

Data according to the Mental Health Unit of the Ghana Health Service (GHS) has disclosed that the Ashanti and Eastern Regions have recorded the highest number of suicide cases in the first quarter of 2021.

Out of the 417 suicide-related deaths recorded in Ghana already this year, there have been 61 cases in the Ashanti Region, the highest among the 16 regions.

The Eastern region follows closely in second with 60 cases while Upper East and Great Accra are next with 47 and 37 cases respectively.

Speaking to Modernghana News in an interview, Dr. Yaw Amankwa Arthur who is the head of Mental Health Promotion at the Mental Health Authority has called for massive investment from the government to help prevent suicide-related deaths.

“As a country what we need is huge investment into suicide prevention initiatives,” he said while adding that this will lead to the significant increase in suicide cases.

Dr. Yaw Amankwa Arthur further advised Ghanaians to be on the watch out for warning signs in the actions of friends and family that may want to take their own lives.

He said, “Anybody who decides to die by suicide gives warning signs so it is important that each and every one of us learn them so that when we see those signs we can engage these individuals and get them the needed help.”

Dr. Yaw Amankwa Arthur explained that while someone contemplating suicide will give verbal indications, some post on their social media, and others also write letters of how they are tired of life.”

He said if these things are detected early, suicide-related deaths can be prevented and the needed help secured for such individuals.

Find below the breakdown of suicide-related deaths recorded in the country in the first quarter of 2021:

Ashanti – 61

Eastern – 60

Upper East-47

Greater Accra-37

Central region-37

Volta region–35

Oti region–22

Bono East–21

Western North-17

Upper west –17

North east–16

Western region-14

Ahafo region-11

Bono region–16

Northern region–4


Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
