Sat, 25 Jul 2020 Feature Article

Freedom never comes - Part 36

Freedom never comes  - Part 36

"Where would you like to sit?"

"Good question!"

"The place next to me on my right is already taken!"

"My eyes can see!"

"The left side is possible!"

"At your left side? Are you serious?"

"I am always serious! Why should I make a joke?"

"You tell me!"

"You want to discuss like this for long?"

"It all depends on you...what you have to offer me!"

"Me? Offer you something?"

"Yes, what do you have to offer me?"

"The greatest gift I can offer you is that we discuss on the same level, eye to eye."

"A gift? Oh, so you give me a gift...discussion eye to eye! What an honour!"

"It is not supposed to honour you...simply to make our discussion a bit easier, so my eyes do not get weary when I look down on you."

"And you honestly think you deserve your seat?"

"Since the beginning of time I sit here and why should this ever be different?"

"You did not see me around...doing my own things?"

"Oh...not that...I always know before you know yourself what you are up to but most times, I am relaxed and get started after you have finished."

"You observe me...relax and then get to work?"


"Then let’s sit across from each other and discuss!"

"That is an agreeable suggestion...let’s do that!"

Tea was served with a typical English Afternoon tray, sandwiches, little pieces of cake, sones with clotted cream and homemade marmalade. They have known each other for ages, no need to check each other and see what the other one has in stock. Nothing was unknown to their eyes and ears. They did not always agree, most often indeed not, but they were one side of a coin, at least one of them thought so. The tea was good and hot, the sandwiches full of cucumber slices, sliced very thin with well-seasoned mayonnaise. They sat back in their chairs and started their discussion. They did not have a look simply were. Even as they did not have a shape of a certain size, their dimensions were endless, their powers countless.

"Let’s face it, I was the one making this here all, you only second best!" smiled the figure in shining white, a figure with no size and shape.

"I was second in line...oh, gosh my God...," he laughed and corrected himself at the same time, "I guess I should not have said it, right?"

"If you see me that way...why should I oppose you? After all, you address me for what I am!" he smiled all over himself having the best time of his existence.

"One point for God...sorry," laughed the shapeless figure in firing red, hot in firing red. " is only."

"We will count the points later and see who the winner is!"

"Let’s do that!" agreed the red figure, hot in firing red. "So, let me start by asking you why you created the creatures we call commonly human beings in the first place?"

"Very...very good question indeed," said the shining white shapeless figure and smiled with great wisdom all around. "Some people think I created heaven on earth and everything therein such as stars, the skies, animals, plants and the from you mentioned human beings to entertain myself as otherwise to be all alone by myself would have been a bit boring. Some even go that far to say cynical I wanted to create human beings as puppets on a string to have a jolly good time. And not forget your very own existence that depends on me eventually to mess my humans up for me to get them fixed again, punish them when and wherever needed and to hold them tied in my loving caring arms."

"You must be joking!"

"Joking? What for?" asked the shining white figure with no shape.

"You and your loving caring arms...I mean...let’s face have no arms...just like me!"

"Playing with words...very, very friend!" laughed the shining white shapeless figure its head off. "I even cannot laugh my head off as I do not have any such thing!"

"We are very poor creatures...sorry, poor something," tried the figure in firing hot red to laugh about themselves and have fun.

"So, getting back to serious business and a good answer, I decided to create the world as it is part of me to create. I am to create, that is me. I was long before you were and as I was, I was to create something that is out of me as that is all I can. I am not of the kind that can create the impossible, a fantasy world. All I know is what I am...and that is all I can create. But as I said, I must create as that I what I am. I was not born from any mother or father, I myself was set into this universe to create and my being has no beginning and no end as much as I have no partner by my side like I created Adam a helper in form of a woman, Eve."

"That is interesting and hard to understand...I mean, that you just were...and not created yourself by a higher someone!" challenged the firing hot red shapeless figure the white shining shapeless figure to the extreme.

"You simply must believe believing my words is the secret to success in live...the one of the universe and the one here on the end also your very own existence and justification for your evil works," was the simple answer. "So, when you believe me, you are of me and will get what is yours. When you do not believe me, I give that person in your hands and make his doors wide open for you to deal with such a person...unless...."


"Unless...," paused the white shining shapeless figure for important moment, "unless I need to teach a certain person a lesson and know this person is vital to me but will only turn to me when he gets shaken up very well by the opposite that I other words by you after time well spend in between the two of us floating around in space and time with no strings attached and therefore no guidance offered."

"There you have it," was the firing hot red shapeless figure convinced to have caught his creator to have made a vital mistake in its thinking, “the puppets on the string that we both pull off when we need it."

"The string you are talking of is not a string like a puppet on a string but a guidance to help the human being to get closer and closer to why I had created it in the first place. A human does not exist just like that for the happiness of the parents. A human is selected by me before the seed is in the mother`s womb. I have a plan for this world, a clear cut and designed plan to lift it up from level to level. I know already today the end of the world while my humans struggle and struggle to make sense of it all. Everything as a beginning, only I have no beginning and no end. I know the end of the world already but keep it to myself and will never ever inspire anyone to know my secrets. Humans at small at hearts and in their minds. Thy think what they do in their short time on earth is all that matters and important. What they do is a small, very tiny piece in a bigger puzzle that this world right here before you are. As much as I will not inspire anyone with my ideas, specially the idea when or whether not I will eventually end this story of creation and start a new form of creation in another corner of the universe. This I will keep to myself. Anything the humans right around us can do is to struggle and struggle to find the answer of what makes sense of human life in the first place...why all these they have to see, face and go through from cradle to grave. The sense behind it, as I stressed already out, I will not let them understand and know. Let them think, let them fight for the right answer, let them go left, let them go right and try to find the answer why they exist in the first place. As you have seen in the past in times and places so different yet basically the same human come up with always the same answers. Their varieties are many, but the bottom line is always the same no matter their development whether they can read or write and paint simply pictures on the walls of caves or fly to the moon and mars with nice paintings in their rucksacks. We both know that life always comes in different size and shapes but if humans are humans what they are is what they are, and their basic programming will not change. They are created and not made for good. What is created can also be uncreated which means it can be ended. Only what is cannot be created and not be it is."

"Hamster people!"

"If you want to use that word to feel better and give the people around us a bad and depressed feeling...yes, than you might call them hamster people. But I would not go that far, even the underlining suggestion is true, as I want people to move ahead in life."

"But how can they move ahead when their live is basically going round and round?" asked the firing hot red shapeless figure.

"What we both have seen in the humans around us; I mean what they have brought out from what they are as humans is only a small fraction of what is inside them. As they have left the cave, build huts and houses, fly to the moon and mars, operate organs and not think that is all they are. I have once at their point of creation put far more into them. What is visible by their struggle is a fraction of what is about to unfold. Until they have not come to their full potential and shown all hat, I was put in them their story has not ended."

"Will it ever end?" provoked the firing red hot shapeless figure.

"If it would ever end...I most certainly would never mention it to you as all you would do is to whisper it into the ears and minds of the humans around us and disclose my secrets. You are shameless until the universe will end in space and time. That victory I will not give to you...that point is for me only," was the white shining shapeless figure truly clear in its mind. "I am... I have created as I am and created the world here around us well as it is from me. Think...and think I have created this world to create the world that is of me...and would allow it not to b anymore, would this not mean that I also would have no use anymore to be as the fact that I am is creation."

"You are confusing me!"

"I am confusing you?" was the white shining shapeless figure surprised and laughed.

"That seem to have revealed a top-secret to me already...right?"

"Not at all, as I have only outlined what could be possible, something beyond any human imagination...and most certainly yours...but most certainly not disclosed what I intend to do and whether or not one day my very own existence will vanish and this around us will be no and time in total darkness...nothing more to be seen...and you gone before!"

"Let me go to the point that the humans we both pull their strings...sorry, I want to use your very own when we guide them and bring them out of a dangerous vacuum not to follow one of us...but be guided into a better world from level to level in both of our directions...than eventually this means as they are out from you after your own creation in your own image...that they will not be able to understand themselves fully as they only are and therefore have no understanding of why they are?"

"I am... not created...but a creator and the creator of this world around us, so the human beings, that is true. I do not have to ask myself what I should do or not. I am..and therefore I do not need to understand why I I am. When someone like me is and creates someone that is of the creator in his own image, then there is no need for the created human beings to understand why they are and what they are made of, what sense their lives should have in the first place and where eventually they should head to as a human race. They do not need to question themselves or any other to know and understand who they are, what sense it makes to be alive and to fight their way through the odds of life to reach a better place. They are as much as I am. But as they are with their own free will, a free will that I do not have as I am...not created...I mean only a creation can have a free will never someone that simply only is...they need to struggle with their existence for which reason they are between a rock and a hard place to understand and know of their reason why they are here in the first place and what their individual mandate is. They must have a free will to move on in life between the good and the wrong, sinning and to stay away from that they can be motivated to create with their own mind their own world we both are watching over. In this constant tension the human beings around us are in, their challenges, their love and pain they feel over and over again from generation to generation is a spinning wheel to give them the momentum of life as life is time moving forward, again and again forward without stopping. But at the end of the day as they are created by me in my own image and not be as I am...this free will that I do not have stays with them forever and will eventually not make them understand and know who they really are and what they are really made for and of. They are made of me as I am and made of to create but not created to be."

"Will any human being of sound mind understand what you are talking about?" asked the firing hot red shapeless figure.

"Most certainly not as this helps me that they always remember me in prayers and meditation...and that helps me that they understand who you are...and turn eventually over time to me so that I can bless them for a better life...which gives me the final point of winning!" smiled the white shining shapeless figure with wide open mind.

"Do not run away that fast," smiled the firing red hot shapeless figure. "You mean your message to you people...that you have created and I have messed at not to waste their time to much trying to find out why they were created by you in the first place rather use their time wisely to do their job on earth for which reason they were created individually in the first place to the best of their ability and not to look left or right what others might say and want from them but only to see and follow what you want from them as by which they once were created for?"

"You use big words," said the shining white shapeless figure," but you say it basically right. wish so much they would stop thinking too much, no worries anymore, simply trusting in what they were created for, stop listening to your words, stop living in an artificial vacuum of not believing in me. So much time as already been wasted. Humanity if always would have done the right things and bring out what they were created for, each one on his own, this world would have progressed far more than it did. But that is of humans."

"You could have created them of your own image, as you said!"

"The point is, as humans are created...yes, in my own image, but created...they needed a free will to develop. As I am...and not created...I do not need development, this is only for someone that is created otherwise that someone would simply do nothing at all, just be. To make someone that is created and not only is to be of himself a free will is needed which makes the one created to create accordingly to its own means and inner mandate given. Therefore, I had no choice to let humans have a free will with all its consequences involved."

"One of which I am," laughed the firing red hot shapeless figure.

"One of which you are!" agreed the white shining shapeless figure.

"So, what is the best advice you can give to your human beings?"
