
NDC has been vindicated on concerns raised about the voters register - Magoo

NDC NDC has been vindicated on concerns raised about the voters register - Magoo

A deputy spokesperson of the opposition National Democratic Campaign for election 2020, Madam Margaret Ansei also known as Magoo has opined that the NDC has been vindicated on some of the irregularities going on with the Voters registration process as predicted.

Magoo speaking on the ‘Platform Show’ on Peace FM Monitored by said that if the voters registration was going on smoothly, there would not be any cause for alarm, but it is evident from the happenings so far especially voters suppression in NDC's strongholds and unfavorable treatment of persons believed to be sympathizers of NDC including polling agents that the registration process is not fair.

Magoo also gave a chronology of incidents that happened at various registration centers where Ghanaians were asked to be in a queue for hours because the EC machine code could not be detected.

She also lamented at the recent murder of a student in the North and EC adding of figures in an attempt to allegedly rig the elections in Ashanti Region by saying that so many irregularities are occurring throughout the process.

Sighting several areas including the Suhum Constituency where she contested as the parliamentary candidate for the NDC in 2016, she stated that the ruling party is busing people from different constituencies which is an illegality and a major cause of the confusion that has creating mayhem during the party.

Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah
Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah

Journalist and a Blogger Page: MustaphaAttractive
