Mon, 02 Mar 2009 General News

Second Chance Begins On GTV Tonight

By Ameyaw Debrah -
Second Chance Begins On GTV Tonight

One of the Spanish telenovelas that attracted a large number of both Ghanaians and foreign nationals to their television sets last year will start showing on national television GTV from today, March 2.

El Cuerpo del Deseo, popularly known as Second Chance, will get both the young and old glued to their television sets everyday to watch this interesting and educative soap opera.

Second Chance has seasoned stars like Mexican telenovela icon Andrés García, popular actor Mario Cimarro, actress Lorena Rojas and Martín Karpan.

The first episode showed Don Pedro Jose Donoso as he woke up from a recurring nightmare.

His butler (Walter) woke him to remind him that today was his wedding to his former secretary (Isabel Arroyo). His spiritual and psychic consultant (Gayétana) stormed into his dressing room to warn him not to proceed with that wedding because he was about to be joined with a venomous serpent.

He disagreed with Gayétana and broke off his relationship with the spiritualist, paying her off. To almost everybody around, they knew this 'marriage' would be the worst mistake of Don Pedro.

Angela, his only daughter, described by many as wild, bitter, rebellious, truly beautiful (like her late mother - Catalina), was speeding home from Europe, to stop or dissuade her father, Don Pedro, from marrying a gold-digging bitch.

Pedro had written to Angela that he wanted the marriage to quench old-age loneliness. He saw Isabel as a young talented executive in his company. He described her as sincere and selfless, who want nothing but moral support from him.

By the time Angela arrived, the wedding had been concluded; she met them at the reception. Angela declared an implacable war upon being introduced by her father to Isabel. She said that Isabel cannot replace her mother because she is phony, and cannot be her step-mother.

At the reception, some of the co-workers of Isabel, led by Liborio, acknowledged her extreme beauty and extreme cunning, saying she married the old man for his money. Andrés, the secret plotter and lover of Isabel, was offended and lambasted them for their gossips. He was the general manager of the conglomerate and personal assistant (Right-hand man) of Don Pedro.

As argument became hotter between Pedro and Angela, she broke off all relationship with her father, saying: "forget you ever had a daughter", and walked down the stairs.

Pedro could not bear the renunciation by his daughter, he ran after her, calling her name. In the process, he suffered another round of heart-attack, and fell to the grave ... sorry..., to the ground, and was rushed by an ambulance to the hospital, where he recovered two days later.

While he was recuperating in the hospital, his new 'wife' was rampaging in an orgy of sexual escapades with her ambitious and equally ruthless lover, in the factory, right on the table improvised as a bed, in the office of the general manager. What a way to manage honeymoon for a convalescing boss and husband.

This telenovela promises to be a 'burster' because it is the latest, less than two years old. It is a 155 episode soapie. I can already see other popular faces like Ana Silvetti aka Abigail, the house-keeper. She played the role of the god-mother of Rebeca and Martin in "REBECA" telenovela and also the mother of Antonio Rodolfo in La Mujer de Mi Vida (The Woman of My Life).
