Thu, 22 Feb 2024 Industry News

Hajia4Reall faces up to 5years in Prison after pleading guilty in $2million romance scam case

Hajia4Reall faces up to 5years in Prison after pleading guilty in $2million romance scam case

Hajia4Reall, the renowned social media influencer from Ghana, acknowledged culpability in a romance scam lawsuit involving a sum of $2 million.

As per information from the United States Attorney's Office website, the socialite admitted guilt to a single charge of colluding to acquire unlawfully obtained funds. The said offense entails a potential imprisonment term of up to five years.

In addition, Hajia4Reall has given her consent to relinquish the sum of $2,164,758.41 and has committed to reimbursing an equivalent amount.

The individual renowned on social media is slated to undergo sentencing before U.S. District Judge Paul A. Crotty at a later date.

The announcement of the guilty plea was made by Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Attorney Williams asserted, "Mona Faiz Montrage knowingly accepted funds unlawfully obtained from elderly Americans through deceptive romantic schemes. She was apprehended abroad and now faces substantial repercussions for her misconduct."

He emphasized that the deceptive romantic schemes had a detrimental impact on susceptible, aged victims who had to confront the harsh reality that their online romantic affiliations were spurious.

The Attorney added, "This office, along with our law enforcement collaborators, is unwavering in pursuing legal actions against those who perpetrate fraud targeting Americans, irrespective of their location."

Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah
Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah

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