
Romance scam: Don't underrate her; she's smart — Entertainment pundit praises Hajia4Real 

Hot Issues Hajia4Real

Entertainment pundit Ola Michael has lauded Ghanaian socialite and actress Hajia4Real, real name Mona Faiz Montrage, for her astute legal strategies following her sentencing for involvement in a $2 million romance scam.

Hajia4Real was sentenced to one year and one day in a U.S. prison after pleading guilty to her role in the scam.

Arrested in the UK in November 2022 and extradited to the U.S. in May 2023, she faced a potential five-year sentence.

However, the judge showed leniency, allowing for "good time" credit, potentially reducing her sentence further.

On UTV's United Showbiz, aired on June 29, 2024, Ola Michael praised Hajia4Real for her cooperation with the court, her guilty plea on certain counts, and her commitment to repaying the victims, all of which contributed to her lighter sentence.

"Don't underrate the lady, she's smart. She picked an intelligent lawyer and has gotten the best deal out of the whole affair," Michael said.

He added, "She didn't stress the court, admitted guilt on some counts, claimed no knowledge of the processes, and agreed to pay back the victims. While others were getting 36 to 42-month sentences, she got 12 months and one day. I'm sure she was singing 'Hallelujah'."

Michael also highlighted her show of remorse, including her tears over the potential impact of a heavy sentence on her child, which may have influenced the court's decision.

"I heard she even cried in court, because she had a child and a heavy sentence would affect the child. What she did was show remorse," he noted.

He further emphasised the role of her competent lawyers, who advised her throughout the trial.

"All these were things that she was advised by her lawyers, and they worked for her. Whoever advised her on what to do knew all these things were going to happen," Michael added.

Gideon Afful Amoako
Gideon Afful Amoako

News ReporterPage: GideonAffulAmoako

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