Tue, 31 Oct 2023 Industry News

Ghanaian Bloggers to embark on visa free tour to South Africa

Ghanaian Bloggers to embark on visa free tour to South Africa

Members of the Ghana Bloggers Association have revealed their plan to tour South Africa on the visa free agreement which was announced a few weeks ago.

This move, according to them, will enable them to share their experience and give Ghanaians reasons to tour South Africa.

As the visa free for Ghanaians begins on 1st November, 2023, some travel bloggers in the association have shown interest in taking advantage of this opportunity to see how the visa waiver agreement between Ghana and South Africa works out.

The President of the association, Mr Andre Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah, popularly known as Attractive Mustapha, said they are in talks with some companies both in Ghana and in South Africa to make this reality come through.

He noted that one of the key reasons they are taking advantage of the free visa is to go and market Ghana.

He added that the proposed plan for the trip was supposed to be on November 2, 2023 but due to the fact that the association is engaged in some already booked events in Europe and America, they are likely to change the date to January - February 2024.

Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah
Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah

Journalist and a Blogger Page: MustaphaAttractive
