
Amakye Dede urges gov’t to legalise marijuana in Ghana

General News Amakye Dede urges gov’t to legalise marijuana in Ghana

Celebrated Ghanaian highlife musician, Abrantie Amakye Dede has waved into calls for the legalisation of ‘weed’ smoking in the country.

Speaking to Starr FM on the Starr Chat programme, the legendary musician made the argument that if a person smokes weed, it does not automatically mean he or she is a bad person.

In his view, it will be better if government makes the smoking of weed in the country legal.

“If you smoke weed, you’re not a bad person. I think the Government should legalise it,” Abrantie Amakye Dede shared on Wednesday, July 20.

The thoughts of the ‘Mmaa p3 sokoo’ Hitmaker has over the years been shared by a number of prominent people including some health researchers.

Early this year in April, politician and actor John Dumelo charged government to consider legalising marijuana.

According to him, it will be an avenue for the country to rake in billions just as is being done by several other countries including Germany.

“Germany is set to make billions of Euros from taxes by legalising marijuana. Then we will turn around and go and borrow that same money with interest for our development, forgetting that we (Ghana) grow the best marijuana in the world,” John Dumelo indicated.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
