
Zlatan Ibrahimovic tattoos names of 50 starving people

Sports News Zlatan Ibrahimovic tattoos names of 50 starving people

Swedish football superstar Zlatan Ibrahimovic celebrated his goal against Caen by taking off his shirt to reveal several tattoos of 50 hungry people feed through charity organization, United Nations World Food Programme.

UK's Daily Mail reported that the move was a show of support for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) after Paris Saint-Germain striker scored 72 seconds into the Saturday game which ended 2-2.

“Wherever I go people recognize me, call my name, cheer for me,' said the PSG striker, who found the net after just 72 seconds in the Ligue 1 encounter at the Parc des Princes.

'But there are names no one cares to remember. That no one cheers for: the 805m people suffering from hunger in the world today.

'I have the supporters all over the world. From now on I want this support to go to the people who suffer from hunger, they are the real champions.

'So whenever you hear my name, you will think of their names.
