
Selasi Adjei Feels Hearts Are Ready For Ghana Premier League Test

League Report Selasi Adjei, left with Heart of Lions’ Edem Kodjo, believes Hearts are ready for the league
Selasi Adjei, left with Heart of Lions’ Edem Kodjo, believes Hearts are ready for the league

Hearts of Oak new striker Selasi Adjei believes the Phobians have learnt valuable lessons from their pre-season friendly against Pure Joy FC and would be ready for the Ghana Premier League opener.

The Phobians were held to a 0-0 stalemate by the second-tier side at the Accra Sports Stadium on Sunday afternoon in what is likely to be Hearts' final pre-season warm-up ahead of the 2013/14 season.

David Duncan's side failed to create the chances against a physical side who were determined to hand the former African champions their first defeat in the off-season.

And, Adjei who joined Hearts from Amidaus Professionals feels Pure Joy provided the right opposition and valuable lessons were picked from the game.

“They were determined to beat us because of their profile and it made the game difficult for us but it is good for our performance ahead of the league. We've learnt good lessons ahead of the league,” he said after the game.

Adjei who is a member of the Ghana CHAN squad scored thrice during the pre-season for Hearts and is hoping to translate his form into the league.
