Fri, 31 Oct 2008 Football News

Hearts patrons calm troubles


The President of the Council of Patrons of Hearts of Oak have waded in to extinguish the flames that have engulfed the club.


In a statement released last night after Wednesday's meeting, the council has called for an immediate cease-fire. 


They have also mandated the board as the sole spokesman for the club in all matters affecting the club.


Under the chairmanship of Honourable Harry Sawyerr any body who voilates the directive will be dealt in accordance with the rules of the club.  


The call by the club's support base, the National Chapters Committee, for the removal of the board chairman, seems to have been overlooked the the council.


By this statement, Commodore Mensah, has been handed empowered to deal with the matters and find a substantive Chief Executive.   
