Mon, 01 Jul 2024 Football News

Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif rallies support for Democracy Cup Match

Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif rallies support for Democracy Cup Match

The Minister for Youth and Sports, Mustapha Ussif, has called for strong support for the upcoming Democracy Cup match between Hearts of Oak and Kumasi Asante Kotoko, scheduled to take place at the Accra Sports Stadium on Friday, July 5.

Highlighting the significance of the match, Minister Ussif stated that it offers Ghanaians a chance to come together ahead of the 2024 general elections on December 7. The Democracy Cup, themed "30 Years of Parliamentary Democracy Under the 4th Republic: The Journey Thus Far," aims to use football as a means to engage citizens and encourage greater participation in the democratic process.

In an interview, Mr. Ussif commended the parliamentary leadership for this commendable initiative and urged Ghanaians to support the cause for the promotion of peace.

"Firstly, I want to thank the Speaker of Parliament for this Democracy Cup initiative, which is a remarkable project. Football unites our nation and fosters national cohesion. I urge all members of Parliament and the general public to participate in the Democracy Cup. As we approach the elections, this event will bring us together, regardless of political affiliations, and help promote peace before, during, and after the elections," he said.

The highly anticipated match on Friday, July 5, 2024, will feature a curtain-raiser between Parliament members and former Black Stars players, followed by the main 'Super Clash' between Hearts of Oak and Kotoko.

A trophy tour has already begun to raise awareness for the match, which will be the third meeting between the two clubs within a year. Asante Kotoko won the two recent encounters, and the Phobians, who narrowly avoided relegation this season, will be seeking revenge on July 5, 2024.

Samuel Ekow Amoasi Appiah
Samuel Ekow Amoasi Appiah

Sports JournalistPage: SamuelEkowAmoasiAppiah
