
Oily face

Nollywood Beauty Oily face

THE face is a vital part of one's look; it's the first part of the body that draws attention; and speaks volumes of your appearance.

Ladies with oily face and skin have a common skin condition such as blackheads and acne, which often make them lose sleep on how to make their faces beautiful.

Oily face attracts more dirt, so, a regular skin care routine should be maintained to reduce the excess of oil in the body or stop it from coming to the face.

Though oily skin could be as a result of stress, diet and heredity, there are useful tips that can guide you to control oily face and make your face look good.

Wash your face regularly, morning and evening, to get off excess oil from the skin.

· Avoid intake of foods with high fats such as fried stuff and chocolate

· Make sure you wear oil free make-ups, because applying oily make-up can cause more problems to your face.

· Avoid harsh facial cleansers and scrubs.

· Moisturise your face with oil free products.

· Keep blotting papers in your bag or purse and use it to touch up your face from time to time.

· You can also apply powder on your face to absorb oil.
