
The Choice Of Running Mate And The Fate Of NDC Beyond 2020...

Feature Article The Choice Of Running Mate And The Fate Of NDC Beyond 2020...

“There is no gambling like politics “..Benjamin Disraeli, former British Prime Minister. Well! It appears the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is certainly going to gamble in the December 7 general elections with their presidential candidate, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama. Many NDC folks are banking their hope and fate on the choice of a running mate in the party quest to recapture power in the December general elections.

The presidential candidate of the largest opposition party, former President John Dramani Mahama will in the coming weeks if not months make pronouncements on who his running mate will be for the 2020 elections.

I think that the task of selecting a running mate will not be a herculean task for the former president particularly considering his huge political experience and especially when he has done it before. The task is not or will not about the personality even though some names have been bundled around in both social and gold coast media. The herculean task now which I think will probably influence the choice of a running mate will be about the unity and formidability of the NDC beyond 2020.

The fate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) after 2020 general elections can be analysed on two frontiers. That is the victory and the defeat scenario, either way, may have serious implications for the future of the party. This is what many political analysts and even the NDC themselves have not averted their minds.

First, let's begin with the victory scenario. It is obvious that the victory of the NDC with its presidential candidate John Dramani Mahama may generate some interesting political scenarios in our infant democracy. Let's avert our minds to scenario number, should John Dramani Mahama wins the December 7, 2020, general elections, constitutionally will he be eligible to contest again in 2024? Remember he served as president from 2012 to 2016 (4years) and if he wins the 2020 elections he will serve for another four(4) years making it eight (8)years.

In this case, whoever is the vice president ( that is if the NDC wins ) he or she stands the chance of becoming the next presidential candidate for the 2024 elections. But will he or she might have marketed him or herself very well enough within four (4) years?

Will the NDC party go to congress for a popular acclamation of the vice president or they will open nominations for others to compete? Well! In the unlikely event that the vice-president did not get elected by congress and a different candidate becomes the flag bearer, how well he or she will be marketed to the rest of the electorate? Can the NDC win the 2024 elections with a new face as their presidential candidate?

Second, let's consider the defeat scenario. What will be the fate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC ) should they lose the December 2020 general elections again with John Dramani Mahama as flagbearer? Will John Mahama make another attempt again to lead the party as flagbearer for the 2024 elections?

Will the delegates trust him again and give him the mandate should he decides to contest? Or he will honourable and voluntarily step aside and allow others to lead.? Because our forefathers have a saying that “not all decisions are made by the gods of our ancestors. The decision to boil or roast yam is purely the decision of man.

This certainly will be a huge hurdle the NDC must cross. What will be the role of John Dramani Mahama in the NDC if he decides to hang his political boost for life? .Especially considering the fact that he will be the second surviving former president the NDC will have produced.

Now, the defeat of the NDC in the December 2020 general elections may have dire consequences on the political fortunes of the vice-president candidate. Will she or she be able to convince delegates of the party to vote for him or her?

This is because the delegates may reject anything related to John Dramani Mahama. Well! If he or she is able to convince delegates of the party to vote for him or her and eventually becomes flagbearer, what will be his or her strategy and message for the entire electorates especially when those same electorates rejected his boss? (the defeated presidential candidate).

“Choose a vice-presidential candidate who has the same pedigree as Dr. Mahamud Bawumia”.This comment was allegedly made by Mr.Allotey Jacobs, former central regional chairman of the NDC. Well! If this comment is anything to go by, then the NDC has a lot of homework to do especially with regards to the choice of a running mate.

Many names have been bundled around as possible running mate including professor John Gatsi, Dean of the school of business at the university of cape coast, Professor Kwesi Botchey, and Dr. Asiamah, immediate past deputy governor of the bank Ghana. All these personalities are more than qualified to fill the position of veep for the NDC. It is a forgone conclusion that NPP ticket is Nana-Bawumia for 2020, this should inform the strategy the NDC should adopt in the selection of their running mate, but should the NDC select their running with the same economic pedigree like Dr.Bawumia?

Well! I beg to differ because the vice-president of his Excellency Dr.Mahamud Bawumia seems to have abandoned his economic credentials and has neglected his duties as the chairman of the economic management team. Well! it appears our vice president is now a digital vice president. Besides the vice president has become a subject of criticism within the last three years because of his inconsistency in his speeches and presentation especially on the economy.

In conclusion, whatever may be the case the choice of a running mate for the NDC going into the elections in December is very critical and crucial particularly for the future of the party. Perhaps whoever becomes the running mate may also use the opportunity to launch his or her own presidential ambition for 2024 especially when he or she is not sure of victory in the 2020 polls. Be it as it may, either way may generate interesting political meals for the consumption of political analysts and commentators in the country.

Azure Imoro Abdulai

Email: [email protected]
