
Covid-19: Mahama Donates PPEs To Upper East Regional Hospital

  Tue, 14 Apr 2020
Headlines Covid-19: Mahama Donates PPEs To Upper East Regional Hospital

Former President John Dramani Mahama has donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the Upper East Regional hospital to fight COVID-19.

The items include 40 sets of PPE, 30 N95 face masks, 1,000 surgical gloves, 130 coveralls, 90-foot covers, 20 safety goggles, 20 gumboots, among others.


Dr. Vida Yakong who presented the items on behalf of former President John Mahama said the party under the leadership of John Mahama was contributing its quota to the collective fight against COVID-19 across the country.

“The former President is reaching out to all facilities around the country to support them with items that will help them do their work. He extends his profound gratitude to all health workers across the country for the good work they have been doing.”

“We are aware of the challenges that they do have. Most of it dwells on the lack of PPE. If they (health workers) have nothing to protect themselves, I don't see how they are going to fight the battle. We are not waiting for health service providers to go on strike because they have nothing to work with before we respond to their cry, so, today is a response to that,” she said.

Dr. Yakong appealed to government to speed up the distribution of PPE across the country to enable health workers effectively work.

She impressed on the government to open up the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital for use to complement the fight against COVID-19.

“The Bolgatanga Regional Hospital must be in use. It was built for the purposes of expansion but we are crisis and when you are in crisis, whatever little resources you have including structures, you want to put them to use. At the moment, The country is lacking centres for isolation. It is just appropriate that we use this opportunity to fast-track the finishing and opening of the facility for use to accommodate COVID-19 patients,” she noted.


Acting Medical Director of the regional hospital, Dr. Samuel Aborah commended the former president for his support to the fight against COVID-19 and pledged to put the PPE to good use in the fight against the pandemic.

“These items will help us augment what we have to improve upon our infection prevention; a practice which is a key intervention in the case management against COVID-19. We will ensure that all the units will get some as well as frontline workers so that they will be protected against any case that they may come into contact with and also help us prevent transmission of infection in this facility.”

Dr. Aborah further appealed to benevolent organizations and philanthropists to support the regional hospital with more PPE, adding that, most of the PPE received are for one time use.

