Wed, 10 Jul 2019 General News

Group Suspends March For #DropThatChamber

By Joshua Kobby Smith
Group Suspends March For #DropThatChamber

Convener for the 2million march Pressure Movement, Rasheeda Adams has disclosed that it has suspended their mega demonstration which was slated for 18th July, 2019.

According to Madam Adams, the decision to halt the demonstration was due to an assurance by Parliamentaries not to continue with the 450 million dollar controversial chamber.

In a press statement signed by the convener, "The 2 Million March Pressure Movement's attention has been drawn to Parliament's decision to suspend the $200 Million new Parliamentary enclave project. The decision to suspend the project came as a result of pressure from Ghanaians."

The statement further noted that "should Parliament make any attempt to implement this project in the future, at a time citizens deem inappropriate, we shall once again, come together and make a stand against it."

Madam Rasheeda Adams charged Parliamentaries to focus on finding solutions to better conditions of live.

" We wish to extend our appreciation to all Ghanaians who responded to our call to put pressure on Parliament in the campaign dubbed #DropThatChamber. Your power and voice earned us this victory. Your support and courage are evidence that today's citizens are ready to demand accountability from leaders," the statement emphasised.

Ghana's Parliament came under heavy criticism last week following the proposed construction of a new Chamber estimated at 200m dollars.

Although there was a mixed reaction from MPs on the issue, most Ghanaians took to social media with the hash tag registering their displeasure. This call by the general public pushed some leaders of youth groups to storm the Parliament House yelling #DropThatChamber.

It is however unclear as it is emerging that Parliament is seeking to reconsider the decision to rebuild the Chamber.

Below is the full statement:

Joshua Kobby Smith
Joshua Kobby Smith


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