Sat, 10 Feb 2018 Regional News

Bono East Communities Stand United Under New Region

Bono East Communities Stand United Under New Region

Mr John Nyaba, the Sene West District Chief Executive, has expressed satisfaction with the prevailing unity between supporters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the area towards the proposed creation of the Bono East Region.

He expressed the hope that such unity and understanding among supporters of the two major political parties would be nurtured and deepened to facilitate rapid socio-economic growth and development.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency at Kajaji in the Sene East District, prior to a public hearing on the creation of the Bono East Region, Mr Nyaba said the high sense of political civility exhibited by the followers of the dominant parties was commendable.

The Commission of Inquiry looking into the proposed creation of the new regions is in the area for a public hearing to assess the implications of the petition by the Coalition of Bono East chiefs which is spearheading the carving out of the Bono East from the Brong-Ahafo Region.

Chaired by Justice Stephen Allan Brobbey, a retired Supreme Court Judge, the nine-member Commission was given a rousing welcome by the chiefs and people of the area to Kajaji on Wednesday.

Market women, artisanal workers, teachers, students, Assembly Members, chiefs and queens as well as supporters of both the NPP and NDC defied the scorching morning sun and gave a rousing welcome to members of the Commission.

The residents held placards with inscriptions such as "Bono East needs a Region", " Our roads are bad", "We need job opportunities", and "Please help it to tap our oil and numerous natural resources".

They could not hide their joy for the creation of the new region, as they lined-up along the shoulders of principal street of the Kajaji township to welcome members of the Commissioners.

Mr Nyaba said the creation of the Sene East Region would open up the area to investors.

He said the area is endowed with abundant natural resources including oil which remains untapped.

Mr Nyaba said 'the District is under-developed' and the deplorable condition of roads in the area is a great worry to the people and also militating against their rapid socio-economic progress.

He said a new region would not only deepen the local governance system and the decentralisation concept but would also facilitate speedy socio-economic growth and development.

Mr Nyaba urged the people to demonstrate unity of purpose and intensify campaign by educating the masses on the constitutional processes involved in the creation of the new region so that the area would be able to meet the constitutional requirement.
