Wed, 29 May 2013 Crime & Punishment

Immigration Service Hunts For Rogue Officer

By Daily Guide
Moses AlaleMoses Alale

Security agencies are on a manhunt for rogue Immigration officer Moses Alale, who has jumped bail on several counts of smuggling and other fraudulent activities; however, their work is being hampered by strongmen within the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), DAILY GUIDE gathers.

Mr. Alale, a low ranking Immigration officer, was interdicted for allegedly assisting a car-smuggling syndicate at the Aflao Border to spirit in vehicles without paying the requisite import duties.

Additionally, the immigration officer was suspected to have cunningly smuggled over 15 Chinese into the country through unapproved routes in the Volta Region.

The Chinese nationals would apparently move on into the interior of the country to engage in illegal mining (galamsey); a phenomenon that has recently been associated with illegal Chinese immigrants.

According to a press statement released by the Ghana Immigration Service on Sunday May 26, 2013, the recalcitrant officer was also currently being investigated by the Customs division of Ghana Revenue Authority for his activities.

In the statement, the GIS appealed to the general public to help apprehend the on-the-run officer: The GIS is calling on the general public to provide information about this officer's whereabouts to enable the Service to apprehend him for criminal prosecution and further administrative action. Alternatively, members of the public could report his presence to the nearest Police Station for his immediate arrest,' the Immigration service appealed.

However, DAILY GUIDE sources within the security service told the paper that the task of bringing down Moses Alale was indeed herculean because all attempts have been parried by a powerful man within the NDC.

DAILY GUIDE gathered that Mr. Alale is the godson of one of the NDC's key chieftains from the Northern Region.

Security Threat
According to sources from the security agencies, Mr. Alale had become a national security threat as countless meetings have been held by security chiefs to discuss him; however, their hands were tied because of the strong backing he was getting from his godfathers in the NDC.

On Friday May 10, 2013, Moses Alale and one Elijah Atinja were picked up by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) alongside the Chinese nationals they smuggled into Ghana. The GIS subsequently set in motion the necessary administrative measure to 'immediately' repatriate the Chinese back to their home country, while processing Moses and his accomplices for trial.

But before the security agencies could blink, he had disappeared into thin air, leaving the police to clutch at empty space.
