Tue, 05 Feb 2013 Social News

Presbytery presents vehicle to Headmaster of Adukrom Senior High Technical School

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Adukrom Akuapem (E/R), Feb. 4, GNA - The Akuapem Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana has presented a new Renault Duster cross country vehicle to the Headmaster of the Adukrom  Senior High and Technical School to facilitate his work.

The presentation brings to seven the number of vehicles the Presbytery has presented to Presbyterian schools within its catchment area in the past two years.

Making the presentation at Adukrom at the weekend, Reverend Raymond Baah Abekah, Clerk for the Akuapem Presbytery, said the donation was part of the Presbytery's five-year development plan to ensure that, all SHS heads within the presbytery got vehicles to facilitate their movement.

He said all the Presbyterian Senior High Schools in the Presbytery had their vehicles since 2010 except Adukrom Senior High and Technical School, which was placed under the Presbyterian Education Unit early last year.

Rev Abeka said, the Presbytery would also put up bungalows for all the chaplains to ensure that the proverbial Presbyterian discipline and the fear of God were instilled in the students.

He expressed concern about the lack of infrastructure such as classrooms, bungalows for tutors and dormitories for both girls and boys in some of the schools they had visited.

The Presbytery Clerk decried the infiltration of unacceptable behaviours in educational institutions in the country and urged heads of institutions and teachers to be vigilant and monitor their students.

Mr Nathaniel Duku, Assistant Headmaster of the school, expressed his appreciation to the Church and said another major challenge facing the school was the lack of a fence wall that makes supervision difficult.

Later in an interview, the Akuapem Presbytery Chairperson, Rev George Opare Kwapong said plans were in the pipe line to support the schools in order to produce quality students with good results at the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

