Tue, 09 Oct 2012 NDC

Zita calls for unity in NDC ...predicts one touch victory in December

By Seidu Kpebu
Zita calls for unity in NDC ...predicts one touch victory in December

Former minister for Information and Tourism respectively, Hon. Zita Okaikoi, yesterday called on the electorate in Dome-Kwabenya constituency to vote massively for John Mahama and the NDC PC for the constituency in the December 2012 elections.

Addressing a rally in Dome, the former minister reiterated the call to retain the NDC in power come December to continue the Better Ghana Agenda. She spoke eloquently about the achievements of the NDC in less than 4 years which included free text books, school uniforms, elimination of school under trees, the increase in capitation grants among other things.

The unity of purpose exhibited at the rally in Dome, contrary to the much publicised feud between Zita and Sophia, is welcome news for the NDC. The former minster, who addressed the gathering in support of Miss Sophia Ackuaku, the NDC parliamentary candidate (PC) for Dome-Kwabenya, did so with a passion and commitment. She spoke so well and confidently that the PC understandably endorsed all that Zita had said, as if to say, 'she has taken the win out of my sail'. The PC assured the constituent of a sustainable development in the constituency and urged them to vote massively for her and President Mahama.

Zita also extolled the virtues of both Late President Mills and President John Mahama as men of immense peace and humility. Mahama, the former minister said, is a great leader because he is efficient, confident, honest and highly competent.

Later in an interview, which was broadcast live on GFM radio in London and Diamond FM in Tamale, the former minister was full of confidence that the NDC will achieve a 'one touch' victory in the December elections. She said this on the basis that the NDC is a credible party with a credible flagbearer and parliamentary candidates.

Her prediction hinged on the believe that Ghanaians are discerning and will not buy into deceptive policies like the free SHS of the NPP designed to throw dust into the eyes of Ghanaians. She pointed out that Ghanaian workers are better off under the NDC than the NPP, especially with the implementation of the Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS), distant learning schemes for teachers and the stability and growth of the Ghanaian economy.

She has been in the background mobilising the youth and embarking on door-to-door campaigns and other activities in the consituency. She is also supporting groups such Vote John Again (VOJA) in Dome and TRINITY FUN CLUB in James Town to canvass for votes for President Mahama and the respective NDC PCs for the Dome-Kwabenya and Odododiodioo constituencies.

The former Minister, Zita Okaikoi, is urging all NDC members to put their differences aside and rally behind the President and all PCs to ensure "a gargantuan and unprecedented victory" in the December 2012 elections. She has resolved to continue her door-to-door campaign and support for more groups and individuals who will contribute towards the 'one touch' victory on 7th December 2012.
