Sun, 29 Apr 2012 Politics

Government to select Chief Executives for new Districts

Vice President John Dramani MahamaVice President John Dramani Mahama

Vice President John Dramani Mahama has announced that government would soon select Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives for all the newly created districts.

He said already, government had voted a total of GHC43Million for all the 42 new assemblies, while provision was also made under the District Assembly Common Fund to provide them with solid foundation to execute development projects.

Vice President Mahama announced this when he inaugurated the 75.21-kilometre Agogo-Afrisere-Dome road at Ananekrom in the Akim North District of the Ashanti Region.

The road, which is sponsored by the Millennium Challenge Account, connects the Ashanti region to some farming communities in the Afram plains and would provide access to farmers to transport their farm produce to the marketing centres and also reduce infant mortality rate as most of the health facilities in those communities would become accessible.

Vice President Mahama said the construction of the road formed part of government's policy to provide accessible roads and other basic amenities to make Ghanaians comfortable, irrespective of their location, and called on the beneficiary communities to take advantage of the projects to better their lots.

He appealed to all farmers who had procured government tractors on hire purchase to settle their indebtedness to enable others to benefit from the facility.

Mr Martin Eson Benjamin, Chief Executive officer of Millennium Development Authority said a total of 685 communities would benefit from the road project.

He said the provision of the road would also enhance the chances of the Afram Plains to become the food basket of the country in the coming years.

Madam Julie Futola-Toy, of the U S Embassy in Ghana, expressed satisfaction of the work and hoped there would be more collaboration between Ghana and her country.

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Started: 02-07-2024 | Ends: 31-10-2024
