Thu, 09 Feb 2012 General News

I don't know my job - Dominic Azumah tells Vetting C’ttee

By Daily Guide

The Minister of State-designate at the Presidency, Dominic Azimbe Azumah, sent shivers down the spine of members of the Parliamentary Vetting Committee on Thursday when he confessed that he had no idea what his terms of reference are.

He said ever since his appointment was announced on January 25, there has been no communication between him and his employer (President John Evans Atta Mills) as to what exactly is expected of him should he sail through the vetting process.

'I have no idea what responsibilities are going to be assigned me,' Hon. Azumah, who doubles as MP for Garu/Timpane, opined.

However, that answer did not go down well with a member of the committee, Hon. Hackman Owusu-Agyemang, who stated: 'We need to know where they [appointees] are going then we can ask you questions. '

In spite of his candid answer that raised a lot of eyebrow in the Speaker's Conference Room, Hon. Azumah was patted in the back on his appointment. His vetting lasted a little over 10 minutes.

Earlier, the Minister-designate for Employment and Social Welfare, Moses Asaga, took the hot seat and outlined his vision for the sector, but flaws in his curriculum vitae almost overshadowed the process.

The MP for Nabdam was advised to go and rectify the errors in his CV for the records.

The Information Minister-designate Fritz Baffour is currently facing the Doe Adjaho-led committee.

Source: Citifmonline
