Mon, 08 Aug 2011 Feature Article

Mills To Make History As One Term President Of The Fourth Republic

Segbene, messenger of the God of Israel -Five months Barefoot walk for Atta Mills Barack Obama in 2008Segbene, messenger of the God of Israel -Five months Barefoot walk for Atta Mills Barack Obama in 2008

It all begun in the Month December, 1970 when a young virgin woman, Aku married a young man called Felix Xenodzi ,when he was only twenty one year old. In the month of April, 1983 Aku conceived her fifth child in Ashaiman, a suburb of Tema in the greater Accra Region, and in the seventh month of her pregnancy, Mr. Felix had a dream. In his dream He had an encounter with an Angel in a white apparel and white beard talking to him.

According to the angel, the baby in the womb of Aku should be named

“SEGBENE”, which means “Listen to him”. Subsequently Felix was told,

the child will hear the voice of the God of Israel and tell the world what he had been told in the future.

Apparently, Aku gave birth to the Child on Wednesday, 21st of December,

1983 at exactly 7:30 pm at a time when President Mills was thirty nine years old and never dreamt of becoming Ghana's President because it was forbidden by a seven Headed Spirit called “Ganata” for a twin to become a president of the Land of Ghana- West Africa.

On the day of the Child's naming ceremony, a great mystery happened foretelling the destiny of the Child. Mr. Felix killed a while male duck for the naming ceremony of the child only for the dead duck to mysteriously rise from the ground straight up and vanished into the cloud.

Everyone present at the naming ceremony was amazed. Mr. Felix went ahead to name the child “SEGBENE”, haven been reminded the previous day again to name the child as told earlier.

Eventually, the child grew in the fear of the Lord God of Israel. He started preaching repentance at a very tender age in his primary school, Anum Memorial school complex in Ashaiman where he was born, and its environs.

After the child's Junior high school education where he was the schools best student in the Basic certificate Education Examination in the year 1999, he proceeded to senior high school in Sogakofe Senior High School(SOGASCO), where he combined academic excellence with leadership becoming the schools SRC President and Senior school Prefect . He was also the schools Journalist, broadcasting news items before the schools assembly from his first form until he was promoted by popular majority votes cast to became the Head boy of the school.

Segbene, also became the Bible studies Coordinator of the school due to his love and understanding of the Hold scriptures and he taught the Bible at times scheduled in the schools Scripture Union.

Segbene's father Mr. Felix, has gotten seriously ill by hand of the “Ganata spirit”, because it hate the message and mission of Segbene which is a saving one for the People of Ghana. Obviously, he could not work again and poverty begun to eat into the family of Segbene. He could not proceed to the university and he lost his father.

Many began to ask, what indeed is the destiny of Segbene, will it be fulfilled or not. Segbene went through a lot of life testing situations and battles with the Ganata spirit as it finally pursued him to kill, because the God of Israel was going to use Segbene to do the impossible in the land of Ghana and the United States of America.

The fact is that the entire world was entering a new era and matters of that era was unveiled to Segbene in his dream. In the year 2007, the God of Israel appeared to Segbene in his dream and told him, it was He who named him “Segbene” before he was born then Segbene's mission was laid before him.

Among matters that the God of Israel told him, he was to walk barefooted for five months because the Ganata Spirit was about to cause civil war to happen in Ghana and also Barack Obama was about to be assassinated. The Five months of Segbene's barefoot will suppress the activities of the Ganata spirit and make then Candidates John Evans Atta Mills and Barack Obama emerge Presidents of the Republic of Ghana and United States of America respectively thus Segbene's mission begun. He did exactly as the God of Israel had told him and everything he was told about the two Presidents came to pass.

But, something happened that became a snare to the Ghanaian President, Professor John Evans Atta Mills. Earlier he had contested two Presidential elections in year 2000 and 2004 and lost to John Agyekum Kuffour, because he had a friend that was an agent of Ganata Spirit using a frog power(Revelation 16:13, he that reads let him understand). Then candidate Mills after haven lost the elections due his friend who uses the frog power from the Ganata, finally consented to an advice of his friend, TB Joshua again to now use a “Ganata Ring”, so that he could succeed in the 2008 general elections. Unknowing to then candidate Mills the consequences of the Ganata ring that it sucks blood, he went ahead to use it.

However, before this, Segbene had already sent candidate Mills and Barack Obama letters, telling them of the Will of the God of Israel and the five months Prophetic assignment of which Candidate Mills replied thanking Segbene for the message on the 16th of October, 2008.

Now the 2008 elections came and candidate Mills won after a third voting at Tain and the result was announced in January. Candidate Barack Obama also earlier on won their elections in the United States of America, on the 4th of November, 2008. Before the Tain elections the God of Israel told Segbene that the activities of the Ganata Spirit will cause the death of President Mills in three months time after he sits on Ghana's Presidential Throne. Segbene was directed by the God of Israel how to consecrate the Presidential throne to avert the situation and he did that in Ghana's Parliament House on the 6th of January, 2009.

The following day the throne was brought out for the inaugural ceremony of President John Evans Atta Mills. On that day there was a sign of what could have happened if not the intervention of the God of Israel.

President Mills nearly fell down and that would have been the beginning of his end, three months time. God saved him because of the consecration of the throne as directed by the God of Israel.

Surprisingly, after President Mills, was inaugurated on the 7th of January, 2009, he set off to tell the entire world that his friend who gave him the “Ganata ring” had prophecied his victory that the elections would be run three times and he would be declared winner, just to raise high his friends activities in other for the Ganata spirit to keep being in control. Soon, after he returned the inevitable begun. Disasters upon disasters, troubles upon troubles in the country. He forgot about Segbene whose prophetic message from God he had responded to in 2008. The Party on whose ticket President Mills stood, the National Democratic Congress, was adorned as a shining star in Segbene's vision. It begun to fall because the activities of the Ganata ring was dangerous to the Ghanaian people and the land as well. There was need to save it.

Earlier in a vision, Segbene saw that when the Shining star was falling, some people attempted to save it but they failed and it sunk deeper and deeper. The Vision manifested wonderfully because The wife of the Former President and founder of the Party, Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings was prepared to save the Party, but through the activites of the Ganata which Segbene describes as Mystic rigging at Sunyani, it was said that President Mills had won and herein there come the manifestation of the falling shinning star. Segbene had earlier published this on the both of the 14th of July, 2010 and on the 26th of July,2010 in the Daily Searchlight Newspaper.

Now that the shinning star is falling deeper and deeper, many could only see the shinning part of the star but cannot see the falling aspect, hence the blind was leading the blind. Ghanaians will see its full manifestation in the 2012 elections. Only then will it be understood that, it was not the “Ganata Ring”

that got him victory in the 2008 elections like he assumed secretly in his heart and went ahead to tell Ghanaians that god was the President of our Nation. But Ghanaians never knew the god President Mills was referring. It is the Ganata god, and he is making Ghanaians worship it by a few wonders.

There is a very high level of hypocrisy going on in our country and people see the President as an angel and some nearly worshipping him. In fact they must be ready, because the Ganata Spirit assigned to our country will be killed before the 2012 elections. Initially, when Segbene received the revelation in 2008, he taught it was members of the New Patriotic Party that engaged the activaties of the Ganata but the God of Israel finally explained everything to him that it the friend of President Mills that did the ritual and gave the Ganata Ring to him, then Candidate Mills to use. I must reveal here that mystic revelation alleged that six(6) virgins, that is ,three(3) twins were killed for the Ganata Ring.

Some people got the information of the Ganata ring and tried to come against the president in some publications, they were right but Segbene tried very hard to defend President Mills, thinking he will come into realization and remember that the God of Israel was the one that helped him not the Ganata Ring that drinks blood, but alas, he never remembered Segbene but worked solid three schemes against him to eliminate him secretly.

It must be noted however noted, that due to the dangerous nature of the Ganata Spirit and his activites in our country of which our Presidency are not ready to adhere to the voice of the God of Israel, it became necessary for Segbene to prophecy against President Mills and that's why Segbene had to campaign for the Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings, Former first lady, in the just recent past NDC Primaries held at Sunyani, even though he had been a campaigner of President Mills since 2007. Segbene is a Gold member of the National Democratic congress. Even though the activites of the Ganata prevailed, it would be killed before the 2012 elections and NDC may lose the 2012 elections to Nana Addo-Danquah Akufo Addo , the Presidential Candidate of the New Patriotic Party then Ghanaians will become free of the Ganata curse that has invaded our country and the Heart and Soul of the Nationtal Democratic Congress will be redeemed after it goes into opposition in the year 2013.

There is more than enough to write but I will end it here for now, because the God of Israel gave Mills two terms to rule Ghana but now He has reduced it to only one term.

Thanks to the God of Israel, Segbene is now the Editor-In-Chief of “The Ghanaian Decree Newspaper and Segbene Newspaper”. His website is


“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known”

-Luke 12:2.
He that reads the words of this article should repent now and sin no more for a time is indeed come upon us as a people.

Segbene, the Messenger of the God of Israel.
