Mon, 01 Aug 2011 General News

Legon TEWU to strike if…

By Daily Guide
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Members of the Legon branch of the Teachers and Educational Workers Union on Monday August 1, embarked on a peaceful procession to protest against delay in the payment of their salaries.

They presented a petition to the management of the university requesting that their salaries which have delayed for about four months be paid quickly to prevent them from embarking on a strike action.

The leadership of the Union says life has become unbearable for TEWU members due to the delays.

Augustine Karbo, chairman of the Legon branch of TEWU said 'Landlords are chasing tenants of which some of them are our members, homes are being affected, they are not being able to meet their personal needs and this is having serious effects on our membership and we want management to take a appropriate steps in addressing them to forestall future occurrence.

'They have given assurances that cheques for the August salaries would be lodged in the bank today and that is a first step and we appreciate it very much'.

Source: Citifmonline
