Fri, 18 Jun 2010 General News

Ghana Revenue Authority outdoors logo

Ghana Revenue Authority outdoors logo

Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), the body mandated to oversee and regulate activities of all revenue agencies has launched its vision statement and logo with a promise to effectively raise money for nation building. The agencies which fall under GRA include Customs Excise and Preventive Service, Internal Revenue Service, Value Added Tax Service and the Revenue Agency Governing Board.

Mr George Blankson, Commissioner General of GRA who launched the vision statement and logo in Accra on Wednesday said the authority was also mandated to strategise and formulate policies aimed at cushioning the nation's budget to execute development projects.

The logo has golden eagles representing a strong and visionary leadership determined to optimize tax revenue, while keeping watchful eyes on non-compliant taxpayers.

It has cowries representing national revenue while the measuring scale defines the collective resolve to be fair, equitable and firm in the delivery of service to clients. The logo has blue colour at the background to connote the limitless effort to revenue mobilisation by GRA while the yellow background represents wealth of the nation from revenue mobilisation. It has a green banner representing sense of renewal, self control and harmony in GRA.

The logo has the motto: "Integrity, Fairness and Service." The vision statement is "To be a world class revenue administration recognised for professionalism, integrity and excellence".

Mr Blankson said GRA as part of its functions had instituted series of activities and committees to ensure the integration and modernisation of the three revenue agencies.

"Currently, co-ordinating committees of the Revenue Agencies' Finance Department, Human Resource Department, Research Planning and Monitoring and IT Department are busily working to put in place the requisite structures and measures for the integration."

Mr Fiifi Kwettey, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, noted, that government expects the country's dependency on donor support to reduce considerably by the beginning of 2012 when the Revenue Agencies would have been fully integrated.

He said establishment of GRA would enable the command structure of tax revenue administration to be well defined and adequately handle malfeasance in revenue collection.

He commended the logo designers for their insightfulness and creativity and expressed the hope that the logo would serve as a reminder to tax payers to promptly pay their taxes for national development.
