Fri, 07 May 2010 NPP

Aliu Mahama will not contest in NPP primaries - aide

By myjoyonline
Alhaji Aliu MahamaAlhaji Aliu Mahama

Former Vice President Aliu Mahama will not contest in the August election primaries of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to elect a presidential candidate.

A statement issued on Thursday and signed by one of his aides, Abdul-Wahab Alhassan, said.
The NPP, after swelling its Electoral College, will hold one of its biggest congresses on 7 August, 2010 to elect a flag-bearer for Election 2012.

Former Foreign Affairs Minister Nana Akufo-Addo and former PSI Minister Alan Kyerematen are the lead contenders so far. It was initially unclear whether the former vice president would join the race.

“For the avoidance of doubt, former Vice President Alhaji Aliu Mahama would not be contesting. This statement should bring to an end months of speculation as to whether he would or would not run. The former vice president wishes to express his sincere gratitude to family, friends, supporters and well-wishers who have encouraged him to take part in the contest. Equal gratitude also goes to the many people who frankly asked him not to,” the statement said.

The former vice president, who served two terms under the Kufuor administration, was one of 17 top shots of the party who keenly contested the last primaries in which Nana Akufo-Addo emerged flag-bearer.

Mr Mahama stated that, for now, he would channel his energies into helping fortify the biggest opposition party to wrestle power from the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC).

“Having served Ghana and the NPP creditably and faithfully as vice president for two consecutive terms, Alhaji Aliu Mahama prefers to devote his energy at this time towards building a united NPP that will stand behind whoever would be elected presidential candidate in August to prosecute a campaign that would return the NPP to power in 2012,” the statement said.

The former vice president also expressed concern about the apparent disunity within the party and urged all contestants to bury their differences.

“To this end, he is appealing to all contestants to play by the rules, bury their differences and work towards achieving one end, which is winning the 2012 elections,” the statement indicated.

The camps of the two main contenders in the race, Nana Akufo-Addo and Alan Kyerematen, have been at each other's throat, trading accusations of dirty politicking.

Still in politics
Alhaji Aliu Mahama's decision not to contest in the primaries this time does not mean he is quitting politics, the statement said.

“…this statement does not mean that he is bowing out of politics. For as long as there is life and good health, he would play any role that God, country and party would demand of him now or in the future.”

Story by Fiifi Koomson/
