Thu, 25 Feb 2010 NPP

Reject 'executive team' list - Owusu-Adjapong urges NPP delegates

By Daily Graphic
NPP National Chairman aspirant, Felix Owusu-AdjapongNPP National Chairman aspirant, Felix Owusu-Adjapong

A leading member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and candidate for the position of national chairman for the party, Mr Felix Owusu-Adjapong, has urged delegates at the forthcoming national congress of the NPP to seek the interest of the party by rejecting proposals of executive teams offered by some personalities in the party.

He said it was important to elect a team that would be united and formidable, which represented the interests and aspirations of the rank and file of the party in order to help it recapture power in the 2012, and not an executive team that had been proposed by an individual.

Currently, in Kumasi, where the conference is to take place, some members of the party are circulating a list of the so-called preferred candidates to occupy various national positions of the party.

In an interview with a section of the press, Mr Owusu-Adjapong noted that talks of perceived support for some leading members of the party who are contesting for national executive positions did not bode well for the unity and cohesion of an executive team, and by extension the party.

"I want to urge the delegates to pick a good team to run the party and help us recapture power in 2012," he stated, adding that the preoccupation should be about building a very strong party that will be able to win the 2012 elections, no matter who is put forward as the candidate.

He said rumours about some presidential aspirants supporting some candidates for national executive positions and talks of proposed executive teams raised some concerns.

He added that rumours that some leading members of the party seeking to be the party's presidential candidate had provided a list of executive members they could work with were also disturbing since such developments, if proven to be true, had the potential to divide the party.

In apparent reference to talks of factionalism in the party, Mr Owusu-Adjapong stated that he owed no allegiance to any leading personality in the party and also did not belong to either faction or block.

He said he had made that position known to some leading members of the party and had also decided not to support any contestant in the polling station, constituency and regional elections.

The former Majority Leader in Parliament said his analysis of constituency and regional executive elections so far indicated that delegates tended to vote for candidates who worked hard and not because of the allegiance of candidates to any block or individual.

He said he entered into the race because he believed he had a role to play in the party, adding that he was determined to act as the head of the family, if given the nod and also serve as a unifying force.

The man, popularly referred to as 'Great Leader', said the party needed a chairman and an executive team that would unite it and not one that one would serve as a poodle for any presidential aspirant.
