Fri, 25 Sep 2009 Religion

Archbishop Welbourne elected President of Orthodox Anglican Church in Africa


Accra, Sept. 24, GNA – The Most Reverend Dr. Jacob Augustine Welbourne, Archbishop of Orthodox Anglican Church of Ghana, has been elected the first President of the Africa Episcopal Conference of Bishops.

Archbishop Welbourne who is also the Bishop of the Diocese of Saints Peter and Paul the Apostles, at Sekondi, was elected at the maiden Africa Episcopal Conference of the Orthodox Anglican Communion held at Kisumu in Kenya.

A statement issued in Accra on Thursday and signed by Mr Kofi Gyetsua Ankuma, Public Affairs Director, Orthodox Anglican Church of Ghana, said the conference was attended by bishops from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar and Ghana.

It said the conference was presided over by the Most Rev. Dr. Scott Mclaughlin, Primate of the World Wide Communion.

Bishop Welbourne called on benevolent organizations, NGOs and African leaders to collaborate with the church to effectively fight corruption, armed robbery, poverty and the HIV/AIDS pandemic on the continent.

He will be in office for five years.
Ghana / Africa /

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