Wed, 25 Feb 2009 Politics

…a US$115,000.00 summer hut for the President

By INSIGHT Newspaper
…a US$115,000.00 summer hut for the President

Who says that being the President of Ghana is all about hard work and sacrifice?

The kufuor administration spent a whooping US$115,000.00 on a plant room and summer hut for the swimming pool at the presidential palace now christened“Golden Jubilee House”

According to the INSIGHT newspaper documents available show that soft furnishing bought for the Villa cost their Ghanaian tax payer US$1,115,900.00.

Art works and paintings took as much as US$76,100.00 from the national purse. Landscaping along the internal fence gulped US$100,000 whiles landscaping behind the Villa cost the people of Ghana another US$105,200.00.

Services to an industrial kitchen for cooking delicious meals for the president, his family and guest cost US$37,000.

To make sure that nobody gets lost in the presidential palace US$105,700.00 was spent on labeling doors and writing up signs.

The president takes home GH¢46million every month and his wife gets the salary of a Cabinet minister.

He does not pay for his telephone calls, electricity and water bills and clothes wears. Food and transport for the President is also paid for by the poor tax payer.

If you are like former President Kufuor no job can be more exciting than being the President of the Republic. And this certainly explains why he claims that he worked for years to realize his ambition of becoming a president.

Source: INSIGHT Newspaper
