
Our political practices pose the greatest risk to us today – Prof. Agyeman-Duah

Politics Prof. Agyeman-Duah [File Photo]
Prof. Agyeman-Duah [File Photo]

Former UN Senior Governance Advisor, Prof. Baffour Agyeman-Duah has raised concerns about the state of Democracy in Ghana and across Africa.

According to him, although there was fear military would remain the main threat to democracy in the 90s, this has changed with political practices now posing the greatest risk.

“We were euphoric about the democratic changes that began in the early 90s, not just in Ghana but across the continent.

“You have leadership that is insensitive to the people's needs; to certain critical development elements that we need to address and you are not getting attention

“In the early 90s, we feared the military would be the main threat to democracy. Today, it is our political practices that pose the greatest risk,” Prof. Agyeman-Duah said.

He was speaking in an interview with Joy News on Monday, July 1.

He said after practising democracy for three decades, Ghana faces serious challenges that need to be urgently looked at.

He proposed that steps must be taken to deal with all the challenges for the sustainability of the country’s democracy.

“After 30 years of practising democracy, we face serious challenges that need to be addressed. We must inject new energy and vigour into our democratic processes.

“The principles of democracy, such as liberty and freedom, are universally cherished. However, we need to rethink how we practice democracy in Africa,” Prof Agyeman-Duah stated.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

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