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Sunyani Technical University hosts mock Parliament

Sunyani Technical University hosts mock Parliament

Ghana’s Parliament has been asked to strengthen its oversight role, promote accountability, and foster collaboration and bipartisanship in the discharge of its constitutional duties.

In addition, the House should devote more time to addressing pressing national issues and enhance representation and citizen participation.

The Pro-Vice Chancellor of the Sunyani Technical University (STU), Prof. Justice Solomon Korantwi-Barimah, said these during a Mock Parliament and Debate held at the main auditorium of STU in Sunyani as part of activities marking the 30th anniversary of Ghana’s Parliament.

The theme for the occasion was “Thirty years of parliamentary democracy under the Fourth Republic – the journey thus far.”

As part of the programme, the Parliament of the STU participated in a mock parliamentary sitting and debate.

Prof. Korantwi-Barimah was hopeful that the opportunity would serve as a platform for the students of STU to build their capacity in parliamentary proceedings, thereby sustaining the country’s democracy.

Brighter future
On behalf of STU, the Pro-Vice Chancellor congratulated Ghana’s Parliament on this milestone and wished that it continues to build on its achievements and work together towards a brighter future for all Ghanaians.

“We, in Sunyani Technical University, recognize the tireless work of our parliamentarians, past and present, who have contributed to shaping our nation's destiny. Your dedication to the democratic process has fostered economic growth and social progress, consolidated our democracy, and enhanced our international reputation,” said Prof. Korantwi-Barimah.

“Mr. Speaker, as we gather to celebrate 30 years of parliamentary democracy under the Fourth Republic, we acknowledge the remarkable journey thus far. Three decades of democratic governance, marked by significant milestones and achievements, are a testament to our collective efforts and commitment to democratic principles,” he added.

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, paid glowing tribute to farmers of the 1992 constitution and all those who have contributed to the sustenance of the Fourth Republic.

He asked Ghanaians to take advantage of the forthcoming general elections “to reaffirm and renew our commitment to the democratic ideals, a new opportunity to demonstrate that Ghana, the Shining Star of Africa, can always rise to the occasion, and show the way for others to follow.”

The Bono Regional Minister, Justina Owusu Banahene, and some members of Parliament, representatives of some civil society organisations and some security personnel were present at the ceremony.

Richard Kofi Boahen
Richard Kofi Boahen

Bono, Bono East and Ahafo CorrespondentPage: RichardBoahen

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