
I have specific solutions for managing Ghana’s expenditure — Alan

Politics Alan Kyeremateng, 2024 independent presidential candidate
Alan Kyeremateng, 2024 independent presidential candidate

Independent presidential hopeful Alan Kyerematen has outlined ambitious plans to grow Ghana's economy and manage public expenditure if elected into office.

Speaking on Accra-based TV3's New Day show on Monday, July 1, Alan Kyerematen said he has "specific solutions" for reining in government spending and balancing the budget.

"If you do not manage your expenditure, then you can only sustain your economy by borrowing and that’s not sustainable. I have specific solutions for managing our expenditure," the former trade minister stated.

Alan Kyerematen added that 50% of his potential government would be made up of women.

This move is aimed at fostering greater inclusion and representation in decision making processes.

On taxation, the aspiring president said he intends to introduce "the lowest tax regime in the subregion."

According to the Movement for Change leader, lower taxes will make Ghanaian companies more price competitive both locally and abroad.

He stressed that reducing corruption will also free up more government revenue.

“If we reduce the incidence of corruption, we retain more revenue and you don’t need to increase taxes," he remarked.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
