
Prince of Peace Academy visits Ambulance Service

By Barnie Agyeman II Contributor
Education A group picture with the students and some demonstration at the place
A group picture with the students and some demonstration at the place

As part of its education week, the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) organized an institutional tour program for students at Prince of Peace Academy in Duayaw-Nkwanta, located in the Tano North Municipality.

During the tour, students visited various public sector organizations, including the Ambulance Service and the Ghana National Fire Service.

Mr. Joseph Oduro-Buabeng, the Director of the NCCE, explained that the program aimed to encourage students to take their studies seriously. He mentioned that the program would also help students make informed choices about their future professions and work towards achieving their career goals.

Mr. Kyei Okyere, the Municipal Commander of the Ambulance Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT), welcomed the students and introduced them to the duties performed by the Ambulance Service. He highlighted the difference between an ambulance and a hearse, explaining that an ambulance is used to transport sick individuals from one hospital to another or from their homes to the hospital for treatment by health professionals. In contrast, a hearse is used to convey dead bodies from the mortuary to the cemetery.

He advised the students to inform their parents about the importance of requesting ambulance services when necessary to save lives. He also urged the general public to avoid making prank calls and to support the ambulance service in providing effective services in the Tano North Municipality and beyond.
