
Northeners have no respect for another; they enjoy seeing their own begging — Stephen Atubiga

Social News Stephen Atubiga, former member of the NDC
Stephen Atubiga, former member of the NDC

Former member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Stephen Atubiga has criticized what he sees as a lack of respect among northern Ghanaians.

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, June 26, the one-time NDC flagbearer aspirant claimed that a successful man in northern Ghana enjoys seeing the suffering of his neighbours instead of helping them.

"Northerners have no respect for another. A successful Northerner enjoys seeing his own lined up at his door steps begging for fish, instead of showing them how to fish,” his post reads in part.

He alleges that today's northerners "can't stand another trying to also make it, or seeing another making it" and that "A Northerner will make it his business to cut you down."

Atubiga further argued that northerners like Vice President and NPP flagbearer Bawumia owe their success to southern Ghanaians like Ashantis/Akan people.

This comes on the back of reports that NPP flagbearer Bawumia met with President Akufo-Addo to present his choice for running mate in the 2024 election.

This, according to Atubiga, is the only way the NPP presidential candidate can win the upcoming December 7 elections.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
