
Fresh menu for France's first-ever ambassador of gastronomy

France © Guillaume Gomez
© Guillaume Gomez

Guillaume Gomez is France's first-ever ambassador for gastronomy. He's worked as a chef for four French presidents and was the youngest person to receive the "Best Artisan" award for his culinary skills. This year France is celebrating the centenary of the prestigious prize that highlights the incredible talent of the country's trade and craftspeople.

After having cooked for past and present French leaders – Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy, François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron, Gomez has begun a new chapter in his life as ambassador of French gastronomy.

The role, created by Macron, has Gomez dealing with all aspects of French cuisine – from farm to plate.

His first major task was getting the restaurant industry back on its feet after the Covid pandemic, Gomez says.

The 45-year-old takes promoting France abroad, especially through its cuisine, very seriously.

"We're one of the world's top tourist destinations and we intend to stay that way," he told RFI.

Food tourism

"If food is fundamental for the French in general, it is also fundamental from an economic point of view when we consider the benefits of gastronomic tourism.

"Foreign visitors do not choose France only for its monuments, but also for its culinary experiences."

As part of his job, Gomez travels around France to meet people in the farming and hospitality industries.

Concerned with the environmental impact of the sector, he has also addressed the issue of preventing food waste.

In 2023, he was invited to Vietnam to help judge the best French baguette.

Gomez is intent on promoting the work of his fellow artisans, especially as this year France marks 100 years since the creation of the prize categories known as "Meilleur Ouvrier de France", or Best Artisan of France.

The categories are very vast, covering all types of trades from hairdressing to car maintenance and woodwork.

Passing on know-how

Gomez, who was himself awarded Best Artisan in 2004 when he was aged 25, holds a great amount of respect for his colleagues.

"The best artisans are expected to constantly hone skills and innovate. It's also important to pass on the know-how," he explains.

From starting out as a replacement chef, to head chef, Gomez says he's always wanted to go to the next level.

Thanks to this new role of ambassador, his dream has come true. 

Original video by RFI's Chi Phuong Nguyen, with extra images from AFP and France 24.
