
SSNIT Hotel divestiture: ‘I’m fully opposed to the state capture’ — NDC MP clarifies interview

NDC NDC MP for Twifo Atti Morkwa, David Vondee
NDC MP for Twifo Atti Morkwa, David Vondee

NDC MP for Twifo Ati Morkwa, David Vondee, has clarified his position on the controversial sale of SSNIT hotels following dissenting comments he made in a previous interview.

In a statement issued on Friday, June 21, Vondee said he never intended "to offend the position of the Minority Caucus and the rank and file of our party."

The lawmaker acknowledged, "I am fully opposed to the state capture and deep-seated corruption which have become the hallmark of the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia administration."

"Selling state-owned hotels, including very profitable ones, to a politically-exposed person such as cabinet minister Bryan Acheampong, who is also the Member of Parliament for Abetifi, constitutes a huge betrayal of the trust of the people of Ghana," Vondee added.

During an Asempa FM interview, Vondee was quoted saying: "Why Blame Bryan Acheampong for legitimately buying a property SSNIT wants to dispose of. We need to protect Indigenous businessmen.”

However, he has since clarified: "I take full responsibility for the misimpression created by the said interview and unreservedly apologise to the leadership and Members of the NDC Minority Caucus in Parliament, the rank and file of our party as well as the good people of Ghana."

The matter has polarized public debate on conflict of interest in state asset divestiture in recent weeks which saw a protest last Tuesday led by Minority caucus and some civil society groups.


Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
