Wed, 19 Jun 2024 NDC

Assemblyman petitions NDC over conduct of Akatsi South MP

By Mohammed Abdul II Contributor
MP for Akatsi South, Mr. Bernard AhiaforMP for Akatsi South, Mr. Bernard Ahiafor

Hon. Selorm Bestie Ativor, the Assemblymember for Anyidzime Zuta Electoral Area, has filed a formal complaint with officials of the Volta Regional National Democratic Congress (NDC) against the Member of Parliament for Akatsi South, Mr. Bernard Ahiafor.

This complaint, which has gained significant attention online, addresses a breach of protocol during Mr. Ahiafor's visit to the Akatsi Central Zongo on Eid day.

The visit took place in Hon. Ativor's electoral area without his consent or notification, prompting him to seek clarification and express his disappointment and dissatisfaction with the MP's conduct.

As the Deputy Youth Organizer of the Akatsi South NDC, Hon. Ativor emphasized that the MP's behavior demonstrates a lack of respect for his office as an elected Assemblymember and the established protocol. This petition has sparked debate within the constituency, with some Assembly Members calling for adherence to protocol and others defending the MP's actions as a gesture of goodwill.

Reports indicate that the NDC leadership in Akatsi South has pledged to investigate the matter. Hon. Ativor's petition has highlighted the need for better communication and collaboration between the lawmaker and Assemblymembers of the Akatsi South Municipal Assembly. The MP's alleged neglect of the Assembly sections in Akatsi South for several years has led to widespread discontent among Assemblymembers, who have even attempted to pass a vote of no confidence in him.

Sources within the Akatsi South Constituency reveal that the attitudes of MP Ahiafor have raised concerns about the party's performance in the 2024 elections if internal issues are not addressed promptly. Described by some staunch supporters of the opposition NDC as "Mugabeism" and "divide and rule," the MP's behavior has reportedly created divisions and unrest within the constituency, potentially jeopardizing the party's chances in the December 7th polls.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has been urged to take swift action to address these issues and heal the divisions to avoid electoral consequences. This development underscores the need for party leaders to resolve internal conflicts and ensure unity and cohesion among members to maintain public trust and support ahead of the crucial 2024 elections.
